All Incidents and News
Date / Time: Fri, Jan 31st, 2025 8:00:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
The crew staffing the station Friday night responded to three calls for service.
The first was for a fire alarm shortly after 8pm. At 11:35pm the Rescue Engine responded to a medical assist in Rapho Township. Finally just after 4:00am the Rescue Engine operated on a working car fire with exposure to other vehicles. The fire was extinguished and crews returned to service.
Date / Time: Mon, Jan 27th, 2025 3:06:00 pm
Location: Florin Church
Municipality: Mount Joy
Do you need a gift for your Valentine? Here is an easy way to get her/him a sweet treat and help your community at the same time. Checkout
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 9th, 2025 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At tonight's monthly business meeting 2025 officers were sworn in.
The 2025 Fire and Administrative Officers are:
Chief: Brett Hamm
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Training: Bill Hall
Assistant Planning: Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Safety: Andrew Wittle
Captain: Cameron Johns
Lieutenant Engine 1: Sam Brock
Lieutenant Engine 2: Thomas Rothermel
Lieutenant Truck: Zach Leid
Chief Engineer: Barry Leber
Captain: Curtis Herneisen
Lieutenant: TJ McDermott
President: Phil Colvin
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Secretary: Dale Reigle
Treasurer: Jim Johns
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Trustee: Barry Leber
Trustee : Bob Lutz
Trustee: Andy Malone
Date / Time: Wed, Jan 8th, 2025 11:55:00 am
Location: Various
Municipality: Rapho Twp. & Elizabethtown Borough
It was a busy day for the FDMJ volunteeers. At 11:55 this morning Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched to assist Mastersonville Fire Co on a barn on fire. The truck made the response and the crew staged until being released.
Shortly after being released the truck was added to a gas leak covering for Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74.
After arriving on scene at the gas leak Station 75 was dispatched to Rapho Twp. for a person stuck in a grain silo. The truck was released from the gas leak and made the response to the rescue.
Deputy 75 arrived to find a male stuck in corn up to his arms inside a grain bin. Additional resources were requested from Rheems Fire Department, Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 and Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department. Crews utilized a coffer dam carried on Rescue 70 to secure the corn around the man and then were able to remove it so he could be freed. Once removed he was evaluated by PennMed 1 and transported to the hospital as a precaution.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 2nd, 2025 9:00:00 am
Location: Rockpoint Rd.
Municipality: East Donegal Township
Truck 75 just cleared a reported chimney fire on Rockpoint Rd. in East Donegal Twp. First arriving crews investigated and found a furnace malfunction. The truck crew assisted with ventilation before returning available.
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 20th, 2024 2:00:00 pm
Location: Old Station 7-11
Municipality: Rheems
Today FDMJ was honored to help Rheems Fire Department remember one of their own. Truck 75 along with Palmyra Fire formed a flag arch to honor Harold “Rocky” Bechtold, who was a Life Member of Rheems Fire Department. We extend our condolences to Rocky’s family, friends and members of the department. Rest In Peace Brother.
Date / Time: Wed, Dec 18th, 2024 11:13:00 am
Location: Route 283 East
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning at 11:13 Station 75 was dispatched to Route 283 for a vehicle accident. Chief 75 arrived to find one vehicle off the roadway with both occupants out of the vehicle. E75-2 arrived and assisted EMS with patient care.
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 12th, 2024 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This evening FDMJ held the annual election of officers for the department fire ground and administrative officers. All officers were up for re-election this year with the exception of the Fire Chief and two Trustees. The 2025 Fire and Administrative Officers are listed below.
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Training: Bill Hall
Assistant Planning: Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Safety: Andrew Wittle
Captain: Cameron Johns
Lieutenant Engine 1: Sam Brock
Lieutenant Engine 2: Thomas Rothermel
Lieutenant Truck: Zach Leid
Chief Engineer: Barry Leber
Captain: Curtis Herneisen
Lieutenant: TJ McDermott
President (2 year term): Phil Colvin
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Secretary: Dale Reigle
Treasurer: Jim Johns
Trustee (3 year term): Barry Leber
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
We would like to thank those who have served the department as an officer in 2024 and congratulate those who have been elected to serve in 2025. New Officers will be sworn in at the January 2025 company meeting.
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 2nd, 2024 10:50:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
As we change the clocks this weekend, it is important to also change your smoke detector batteries. The NFPA reports that two-thirds of all at home fire deaths occurred in homes that did not have working smoke detectors. If you need assistance changing your smoke detector batteries, please call us and we will be happy to assist you. 717-653-1600
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 29th, 2024 8:13:00 am
Location: Back Run Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning at 8:13am Station 75 was dispatched to Back Run Rd. In Rapho Twp. for a vehicle accident with reported entrapment. Both engines and Chief 75 made the response. Units arrived to find one vehicle overturned with no entrapment. Crews assisted EMS and controlled fluids before going available.
Date / Time: Fri, Oct 25th, 2024 9:08:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
Friday was a busy day for the FDMJ Volunteers. At 1:43pm crews were dispatched to Martin Ave. in the Borough for a reported house fire. Chief 75 arrived to find a mulch fire outside and held the assignment to E75-1. At 2:23pm 75 units were dispatched to Strickler and Esbenshade Roads for a vehicle accident. crews assisted with cleanup and patient care. Then at 3:03pm Truck 75 was dispatched to assist Station 79 on a house fire. Chief 79 arrived to find a working fire and upgraded the box adding E75-1. The fire was held to the room of origin. To round out the day crews took E75-2 and the Truck downtown for Spooktacular. Crews handed out candy and showed off the apparatus.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 8th, 2024 9:00:00 am
Location: Kraybill Mennonite School
Municipality: East Donegal Township
Today a crew went to Kraybill Mennonite School for a fire prevention program. They reviewed smoke detectors and home escape plans with the student as well as showing them the apparatus and equipment.
Date / Time: Fri, Oct 4th, 2024 9:00:00 am
Location: Donegal Primary School
Municipality: East Donegal
FDMJ and Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department spent the day at Donegal Primary School for Fire Safety Day.
Crews splits into 3 stations that kids rotated through. The smoke room taught them what it was like to be in a smoke filled room. The gear station showed them what a firefighter looks and sounds like in full gear. And the apparatus station showed them our rescue engine and everything it carries.
Thanks for having us out to help educated your students.
Date / Time: Thu, Oct 3rd, 2024 9:10:00 am
Location: 283 West
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
On 10/3/2024 at 0910 Engine 75-2 was dispatched to Route 283 West to assist Rheems Fire Department for a tractor trailer fire. Chief 70 arrived to find a fire in the trailer of a truck carrying municipal waste.
Date / Time: Wed, Sep 25th, 2024 5:30:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This evening Greg Sallade - State Farm Agent and Craig Rothstein - State Farm Agent stopped by the station to drop off some fire prevention materials. October is Fire Prevention Month which means our team will be busy with school visits and these materials will help us to educate children on fire safety. FDMJ President Bob Purcell and Fire Marshall Lisa Fasnacht were on hand to receive this generous donation.
Date / Time: Tue, Sep 24th, 2024 7:00:00 pm
Location: Taco Bell
Municipality: Rapho Township
At 1900 hours Station 75 and mutual aid departments were dispatched to Taco Bell on Strickler Rd. Reports were of smoke in the building from an unknown source. E75-1 arrived and laid in from a hydrant and stretched a line to the front door. The truck went to the roof to check the air handlers. After checking everything no source was found and the box was place in service. 📸 J. Fazekas
Date / Time: Tue, Sep 10th, 2024 6:24:00 pm
Location: 283 West
Municipality: Rapho Township
9/10/2024 18:24 Station 75 and Rescue 26 from Manheim Fire Department were dispatched to Route 283 Westbound for a vehicle accident. Chief 75-1 arrived to find a 3 vehicle accident with multiple injuries. Crews assisted EMS with patient care and removed debris from the roadway. The road was closed for an hour until vehicles could be removed.
Date / Time: Fri, Aug 23rd, 2024 1:04:00 am
Location: West High St.
Municipality: Elizabethtown
During the overnight, Tower 75 operated as the first due truck in Elizabethtown Borough for a house fire. The interior crew forced entry, performed searches and assisted engine companies with extinguishing the fire in the attic while the Tower chauffeur performed vertical ventilation with Tower 88’s chauffeur.
📸 John Fazekas & Original Photographers
Date / Time: Fri, Jul 19th, 2024 1:00:00 pm
Location: Foxchase Golf Club
Municipality: East Cocalico Township
Today four FDMJ members participated in the Lancaster County Fire Chiefs Association, Inc. annual golf tournament at Foxchase Golf Club.
Team 75 finished 2 under par but the big story was Mason “The Hammer” Brandt taking home the longest drive title. He scorched a 316 yard drive down the middle of hole 7 to take the and keep the lead.
Thanks to Lancaster County Firemen's Association for sponsoring our foursome.
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 18th, 2024 8:38:00 pm
Location: Chestnut Street
Municipality: Columbia Borough
Thursday evening the Truck and Engine 1 assisted Columbia Borough Fire Department on a 3 alarm fire at Tollbooth Antiques. The Tower set up on 2nd street and was supplied by Engine 7-1 for master stream operations on the main fire building and checked for any extension in exposure buildings. The Engine crew had their own water supply and put a 400ft line in service. Crews were released just before midnight.
📸 Original Photographer
Date / Time: Mon, Jun 24th, 2024 6:02:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
It’s been a busy day for the FDMJ volunteers. The day started with a gas leak in the area of W. Donegal and Lumber Streets in the Borough. Crews helped locate the leak and evacuated residents before turning the scene over to UGI.
In the afternoon just before 3:00 both engines were dispatched to a commercial building fire on Fairview Rd. In Rapho Twp. Engine 1 setup to draft from a portable tank and supplied Engine 26-1 (Manheim). Crews from both engines assisted with fire suppresssion.
Then at 4:17 a commercial building box was dispatched in Mount Joy Borough. Standby units from Willow Street Fire Co were dispatched along with Truck 75 and other cover units to Donsco on S. Jacob St. Crews found a small fire that had been contained with fire extinguishers.
Thanks to all out of the area companies who assisted today.
📸 original photographers
Date / Time: Fri, Jun 14th, 2024 3:03:00 pm
Location: E. Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This afternoon at 3:03 FDMJ and mutual aid departments were dispatched to the 900 block of E. Main St. for a building fire. Chief 75 arrived to find a working fire in a garage to the rear of the main business. E75-1 arrived and put multiple hand lines in service to extinguish the fire. Crews removed part of the roof of the main building to confirm no fire extension. The cause of the fire is under investigation. 📸 original photographers
Date / Time: Sun, May 26th, 2024 12:38:00 am
Location: Shumaker Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
During the overnight hours, the FDMJ volunteers staffing the station responded to a fire alarm at a local school. Shortly after, Engine 75-1 responded on the second alarm to Company 27’s first due for a barn fire. Engine 75-1 set up at the end of farm lane & secured a draft to supply the units with water to extinguish the fire. The volunteers returned to station shortly after 4am.
📸 - Spadaccia Photography & Unknown
Date / Time: Fri, Apr 19th, 2024 2:36:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Earlier this week Assistant Chief Bill Hall was awarded the international professional designation of "Chief Fire Officer" by the Commission on Professional Credentialing at the Center for Public Safety Excellence.
While we are a volunteer organization, many of our members have multiple professional fire service certifications.
Congratulations Chief Hall!
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 23rd, 2024 8:52:00 am
Location: Morning Glory Lane
Municipality: Penn Township
This morning Tower 75 was special requested on the Working Fire Dispatch to Penn Township for the apartment building on fire. Tower 75 arrived as the 3rd due truck and split crews sending the outside crew to the roof and the interior crew to the Charlie side apartments to search & check for any fire extension. FDMJ volunteers operated on scene for just under 2 hours before returning back to Mount Joy.
📸- original photographers
Date / Time: Mon, Mar 18th, 2024 7:00:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
Tonight for training FDMJ was invited to train with Manheim Fire Department at an acquired structure in their first due. Crews worked together to practice overhaul and several firefighter rescue techniques. One of those rescues involved using a ladder and a firefighter’s bailout kit to lower an injured firefighter from a window.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 16th, 2024 6:00:00 pm
Location: Heritage Hotel
Municipality: East Hempfield
Last evening, members attended the department's annual awards banquet at the Heritage Hotel. Thanks to our members, their families, our elected officials and our community for their support over the last year.
The following awards were given.
Chief's Award - Barry Leber
President's Award - Jim Johns
Firefighter of the Year - CJ Morrison
Fire Police Officer of the Year - Curti Herneisen
Junior Firefighter of the Year - Cole Farley
Outstanding New Member - Spencer Cochran
Steve "Greg" McKain Training Award - Michael Clark
Special thanks to Lancaster Township Fire Department and Lafayette Fire Company for covering our area while we enjoyed the night off.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 2nd, 2024 12:43:00 pm
Location: Pinkerton Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Saturday at 12:43pm FDMJ & Mutual Aid departments were dispatched to a mobile home fire on Pinkerton Rd. in Rapho Township. Chief 75 & Engine 75-1 arrived to find a well involved mobile home with no exposures. Additional tankers were dispatched to assist with extinguishing the fire. Companies operated on scene for 3 hours overhauling and investigating the scene. Thank you to Hempfield Fire Department for standing by and covering our area during the incident. 📸 Tim Coover, Local PD
Date / Time: Tue, Feb 20th, 2024 4:19:00 am
Location: Front St.
Municipality: Marietta Borough
This morning at 4:19 Truck 75 was dispatched to Marietta Borough for a house fire. Crews found a fire on the exterior of the house and the working fire dispatch was requested which added Engine 75-1. Crews assisted with opening up and checking for extension. 📸 Tim Coover
Date / Time: Mon, Jan 22nd, 2024 2:58:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
We are saddened to announce the passing of Life Member Sam “Slap” Zink.
Sam was a member of Bainbridge and Elizabethtown Fire Departments prior to joining the Florin Fire Company in 1980. At Florin he held various positions including Vice President, Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief and Chief. After the merger with Friendship Fire Company Sam held the position of Assistant Chief at FDMJ for a short time. Later in his career you could find him behind the wheel of one of the rigs on just about every call. He also served as Mount Joy Borough Emergency Management Coordinator for several years.
Sam retired from active service a few years ago but still came around the station regularly, especially Saturday mornings for Coffee Club.
Sam was always willing to lend an ear to anyone and pass on his wealth of knowledge to the younger members.
He left a lasting mark at FDMJ and in our community and will be greatly missed.
Rest Easy Brother, we’ll take it from here.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 11th, 2024 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At tonight's monthly meeting 2024 Fire Command and Administrative officers were sworn in.
Chief: Brett Hamm
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Chief Training: Bill Hall
Assistant Chief Planning: Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Safety: Andy Wittle
Captain: Khrystian Ceron
Engine 1 Lieutenant: Alex Ceron
Engine 2 Lieutenant: Thomas Rothermel
Truck Lieutenant: Cameron Johns
Chief Engineer: Barry Leber
Fire Police Captain: Curt Herneisen
Fire Police Lieutenant: TJ McDermott
President: Bob Purcell
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Treasurer: Jim Johns
Secretary: Lisa Fasnacht
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Trustee: Andy Malone
Thanks to Jade Garden Chinese Restaurant for providing our members with dinner tonight.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 6th, 2024 7:00:00 am
Location: All over
Municipality: Multiple
The FDMJ Volunteers started the day taking down the Christmas decorations on the town tree before the snow started to fall. The in house crew of volunteers enjoyed some lunch from Harvey’s BBQ and responded to two vehicle accidents in Rapho Township so far. The station remains staffed with volunteers for the duration of the snow event. Thank you to Ferne & Harvey’s BBQ for their donation of lunch!
The Rescue Engine has answered two more calls this evening, another crash in Rapho Township and a transfer to Lancaster Township Fire Department while they operate on a house fire in their first due.
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 22nd, 2023 8:32:00 pm
Location: Cargill Chocolate
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 8:32 this evening FDMJ was dispatched to an automatic fire alarm at Cargill chocolate in the borough. While units were responding to Chief 75-1 arrived on scene with smoke showing and upgraded to a building fire. This brought added Rheems Fire Department, Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74, Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department and Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80
to the box. Crews investigated and found a smoke condition from an overheated belt on a piece of equipment. The box was held to station 75.
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 14th, 2023 8:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At tonight’s monthly business meeting members elected Fire and Administrative Officers for 2024.
Chief: Brett Hamm
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Chief Training: William Hall
Assistant Chief Planning: Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Safety: Andrew Wittle
Captain: Khrystian Ceron
Lieutenant Engine 1: Alex Ceron
Lieutenant Engine 2: Thomas Rothermel
Lieutenant Truck: Cameron Johns
Chief Engineer: Barry Leber
Fire Police Captain: Curtis Herneisen
President: Robert Purcell
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Jim Johns
Trustee: Andrew Malone
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Officers-elect will be sworn in and take office at the January 2024 monthly business meeting. We thank all that have served the department as officers in 2023.
Date / Time: Tue, Nov 21st, 2023 9:48:00 pm
Location: Habecker Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Tuesday evening crews were dispatched to Habecker Rd. In Rapho Twp. for a reported vehicle accident with entrapment. Crews arrived to find a vehicle with 2 occupants that had not crashed but had a live wire on it. After investigation it was determined that a tree had fallen down the road pulling the wire on the vehicle. Crews secured the area until PPL arrived to remove the wire. No injuries were reported.
Date / Time: Thu, Nov 9th, 2023 6:56:00 pm
Location: Colony Lane
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This evening as crews were preparing for our monthly meeting Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to Colony Ln. in Mount Joy Borough for an out building fire. All 3 pieces were on the street within minutes. Chief 75-3(Farley) arrived to find a well involved shed to the rear of the dwelling. Crews pulled 2 lines and extinguished the fire while mutual aid companies checked for extension to the dwelling. Crews were on scene for ap90 minutes.
📸 Tim Coover
Date / Time: Fri, Oct 20th, 2023 6:30:00 pm
Location: Station 75
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
October Family Night at FDMJ means chili and pumpkin carving. Asst. Chief Hall cooked up his award winning chili and the kids had a great time carving pumpkins. A crew from Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 Marietta, PA. joined us for the evening.
Date / Time: Wed, Sep 27th, 2023 8:10:00 pm
Location: Juniper Village
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Just after 8:00pm Box 75-04 was dispatched for a fire in a resident room at Juniper Village in Mount Joy Borough. PD arrived to find a smoke condition and an exhaust fan that had been on fire in a resident bathroom. Quick action by an employee using a fire extinguisher prevented the fire from spreading. Crews worked for about an hour ventilating the building. Several residents were evaluated by EMS but no injuries were reported. Assisting on scene were Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department, Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74, Rheems Fire Department, Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 and Life Lion EMS.
📸 Tim Coover
Date / Time: Sat, Sep 16th, 2023 3:00:00 pm
Location: Garber Farms
Municipality: Rapho Twp.
This afternoon members and their families enjoyed our annual department picnic at Garber Farms. They enjoyed Harvey’s BBQ, swimming, bingo, games and the annual corn hole tournament. Thanks to the Garber family for donating their property for us to use.
Date / Time: Fri, Sep 15th, 2023 2:59:00 pm
Location: Musser Rd.
Municipality: East Donegal Twp.
2:59 friday afternoon Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to Musser Rd. for a barn fire. Crews arrived to find a barn containing straw and bedding material well involved with multiple exposures. The exposures were protected while a water supply was established. Once the bulk of the fire was knocked down an excavator was brought in to dismantle the barn to extinguish remaining hotspots. Crews remained on scene for 5 hours.
📸 Amber James & Tim Coover
Date / Time: Mon, Sep 11th, 2023 5:07:00 pm
Location: Amato’s Italian Restaurant
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Just after 5:00 this evening Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to the 900 block of W. Main St. for a commercial building fire. A fire was found in an exhaust fan in a bathroom that was mostly extinguished. Crews performed overhaul and ventilation before clearing. Assisting on scene were Truck 74, Engine 79, Engine 70 and Rescue 80.
Date / Time: Sun, Sep 10th, 2023 12:34:00 am
Location: Cargill Chocolate
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Saturday night at 12:34 Station 75 was dispatched to Cargill Chocolate factory for an automatic alarm. Chief 75-2 arrived and found a smoke condition and upgraded the assignment to a building fire. Crews investigated and found a piece of equipment had been on fire with the fire being extinguished by the sprinkler system. Crews spent several hours ventilating the building.
Assisting on scene were Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74, Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department, Rheems Fire Department, Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80, Hempfield Fire Department, Manheim Fire Department, Mountville Fire Company No. 1 and Life Lion EMS.
Date / Time: Sun, Sep 3rd, 2023 5:10:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
Station 75 just cleared its 3rd call of the day. A two car accident at E. Main & Espenshade Rd. in Rapho Twp. Crews started the day with a brush fire on Valleyview Rd. followed by a CO alarm activation in Mount Joy Borough.
Date / Time: Sat, Aug 26th, 2023 9:48:00 am
Location: 763 E. Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This morning at 09:48 Station 75 was dispatched for a gas leak at 763 East Main St. While investigating crews found elevated gas readings in multiple businesses resulting in two businesses being evacuated. With the assistance of UGI the source of the leak was found in the kitchen of one unit. Gas was shutoff to that business and the building ventilated before crews returned to service.
Date / Time: Thu, Aug 17th, 2023 4:00:00 pm
Location: Whitmoyer Auto Group
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This afternoon Chief Hamm and Deputy Chief Johns met with representatives of Whitmoyer Auto Group to receive a donation. The donation is specifically to cover the cost of 2 Emergency Plug® units. The Emergency Plug® plugs into any Full or Hybrid Electric Vehicle to prevent unpredictable vehicle movement in an emergency.
Having these units on our apparatus will help ensure the safety of emergency crews and those involved in accidents.
Thank You to Whitmoyer for the generous donation and your continued support of FDMJ.
Date / Time: Wed, Aug 2nd, 2023 10:02:00 am
Location: Oak Leaf Dr & W. Main St.
Municipality: Rapho Twp. & Mount Joy Borough
This evening, during a duty crew shift FDMJ volunteers responded to back to back first due fires. The first fire was in Rapho Township and the Engine Company arrived to find smoke showing from a garage. Crews found an automobile on fire in the garage and made a quick knock and held the box to FDMJ. Shortly after cleaning up from that fire a dwelling fire was dispatched around the corner from the firehouse. Chief 75 & Engine 75-1 arrived on scene with fire showing from the second floor. Dispatcher’s reported possible entrapment but all searches were proven to be negative. Crews operated on scene for almost 2 hours.
Thank you to all the mutual aid companies for assisting tonight and thank you to Hemfield Fire Department for covering our area.
📸 J. Fazekas
Date / Time: Tue, Jul 25th, 2023 8:09:00 am
Location: S. Poplar St.
Municipality: Elizabethtown Borough
This morning the Truck and Engine assisted Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74 with a reported apartment building fire. First arriving crews found a light smoke condition and began investigating. A crew from Truck 75 found clothes smoldering in a dryer. The dryer was removed and the building ventilated.
Date / Time: Sat, Jul 22nd, 2023 6:00:00 pm
Location: National Fire Academy
Municipality: Emmittsburg, MD
Chief Brett Hamm and Assistant Chief William Hall are attending the PA State weekend at the National Fire Academy in Emmittsburg, MD. Chief Hamm and Chief Hall are pictured with Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner Thomas Cook following the annual state memorial service.
Date / Time: Tue, Jul 18th, 2023 1:59:00 pm
Location: Maytown Rd.
Municipality: East Donegal Township
This morning Truck 75 was dispatched to assist Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department with a reported aircraft down. The caller reported seeing an ultralight aircraft go down in a cornfield. Truck 75 and a drone were used to get an overhead view of the cornfield but did not see any sign of the aircraft. It was later reported the aircraft landed safely.
Photo credit: Alexandria Moore
Date / Time: Wed, Jul 5th, 2023 6:02:00 am
Location: Colebrook Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning the Truck and Engine assisted Mastersonville, Station 27 on a building explosion with fire. The Rapho Township maintenance building exploded and caught fire. The cause is still under investigation.
Date / Time: Sun, Jun 25th, 2023 7:30:00 pm
Location: E. Main St.
Municipality: East Hempfield Twp.
Sunday evening at 7:30 the Truck and Engine were dispatched to assist Hempfield Fire Department with a reported dwelling fire. Crews arrived to find a fire on the exterior of the house with minor extension in the walls. The truck crew assisted with checking for extension and ventilation. The engine crew laid a secondary water supply and reported to manpower staging.
Date / Time: Sat, Jun 3rd, 2023 10:54:00 am
Location: West Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
Shortly after returning from driver training Station 75 and mutual aid companies were alerted to 1200 block of W. Main St. for a commercial vehicle fire. Arriving crews found an excavator with an engine compartment fire that had been extinguished by the operator. The fire had burned through the fuel and hydraulic lines which resulted in a large amount of fluid leaking. The Hazmat Duty Officer responded to assist with controlling the fluids that had leaked.
Date / Time: Tue, May 30th, 2023 7:00:00 pm
Location: Hempfield High School
Municipality: East Hempfield Township
Congratulations to Probationary Firefighters Colin Yost and Spencer Cochran on graduating from the Protective Services program at The Lancaster County CTC this evening. We look forward to your future at FDMJ.
Date / Time: Wed, May 17th, 2023 7:04:00 am
Location: Union School Rd.
Municipality: East Donegal Township
This morning just after 7:00 FDMJ along with Tanker 79 and Rescue 80 were dispatched to Union School Rd. for a commercial vehicle fire. Units arrived to find a trash truck that had a fire and already emptied its load into the parking lot. Crews worked for about an hour to extinguish the fire.
Although we do not know the cause of this fire it’s a good reminder to not discard batteries and specifically lithium-ion batteries into your trash. These items need to be discarded at an appropriate Recycling Center. There are several within Lancaster County. Improperly disposing of lithium-ion batteries can become a fire or explosion hazard and cause injury.
Be safe!
Date / Time: Sun, Apr 23rd, 2023 8:00:00 am
Location: Berks Fire Training Center
Municipality: Berks County
Today FDMJ along with Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74 and Rheems Fire Department took part in a Class A burn training at Berks Fire Training Center. These trainings give members a chance to practice with live fire scenarios.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 18th, 2023 6:00:00 pm
Location: Heritage Hotel
Municipality: East Hempfield
Last evening, members attended the department's annual awards banquet at the Heritage Hotel. Thanks to our members, their families, our elected officials and our community for their support over the last year.
The following awards were given.
Chief's Award - Matt Gohn
President's Award - Mason Brandt
Firefighter of the Year - Zach Leid
Fire Police Officer of the Year - Michael Hall
Outstanding New Member - CJ Morrison
Steve "Greg" McKain Training Award - CJ Morrison
Special thanks to Lancaster Township Fire Department and Rheems Fire Department for covering our area while we enjoyed the night off.
Date / Time: Thu, Mar 2nd, 2023 4:37:00 am
Location: Ziegler St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This morning at 0437 Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to the 200 block of Ziegler St. in the Borough for a reported house fire. Arriving crews found a light smoke condition in the basement which was traced back to a furnace issue.
Date / Time: Sun, Jan 22nd, 2023 10:08:00 pm
Location: Farmington Place
Municipality: West Hempfield Township
Sunday just after 10:00pm the Truck and Engine 1 were dispatched to West Hempfield Township to assist West Hempfield Fire Department on a dwelling fire. Arriving crews found a fire on the exterior of the house. 75 crews assisted with laddering the building, opening up to check for extension and ventilation before being released.
📸 Lape Brothers Photography
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 12th, 2023 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At the January monthly meeting on Thursday the 2023 Fire and Administrative officers were sworn in by Mayor Bradley.
A special thanks to Jade Garden Restaurant for providing food for the meeting.
Chief - Brett Hamm
Deputy Chief - Steve Johns
Assistant Chief Training - Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Planning - Sam Clark
Assistant Chief Safety - Bill Hall
Captain Operations - Khrystain Ceron
Lieutenant Engine 1 - Zach Leid
Lieutenant Engine 2 - Alex Ceron
Lieutenant Truck - Cameron Johns
Chief Engineer - Barry Leber
Fire Police Captain - Dave Rothermel
Fire Police Lieutenant - Mike Hall
President - Bob Purcell
Vice President - Nate Toepke
Treasurer - Jim Johns
Secretary - Lisa Breneman
Trustee - Bob Lutz
Chaplain - Roxanne Wolgemuth
Chief Hamm also made the following Chief’s Aide appointments:
Fire Marshal - Lisa Breneman
Administration- Matt Gohn
Standard of Cover/Response Analysis- Mason Brandt
Date / Time: Sun, Jan 8th, 2023 6:01:00 am
Location: Market St.
Municipality: Marietta Borough
This morning at 0601 Truck 75 was dispatched to Marietta Borough for a reported dwelling fire. First arriving crews found an outlet that had been on fire but was now out. The truck crew staged until being released.
📸 T. Coover & J. Fazekas
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 8th, 2022 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
2023 FDMJ Fire and Administrative officers.
Chief - Brett Hamm
Deputy Chief - Steve Johns
Assistant Chief Training - Jason Farley
Assistant Chief Planning - Sam Clark
Assistant Chief Safety - Bill Hall
Captain Operations - Khrystain Ceron
Lieutenant Engine 1 - Zach Leid
Lieutenant Engine 2 - Alex Ceron
Lieutenant Truck - Cameron Johns
Chief Engineer - Barry Leber
Fire Police Captain - Dave Rothermel
Fire Police Lieutenant - Mike Hall
President - Bob Purcell
Vice President - Nate Toepke
Treasurer - Jim Johns
S e c r e t a r y - Lisa Breneman
Trustee - Bob Lutz
Chaplin - Roxanne Wolgemuth
Date / Time: Sat, Dec 3rd, 2022 6:00:00 pm
Location: Downtown and Lancaster Township
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough and Lancaster Township
This evening, the Engine Company crew attended Winterfest and got their yearly photo with Santa.
Tower 75 is standing by at Lancaster Township Fire Department with Lafayette Fire Company Engine 63-1 this evening. Shortly after dinner, Tower 75 responded to a reported building fire in West Lampeter Township and Engine 63-1 operated on a working car fire in Lancaster Township so far this evening.
Date / Time: Mon, Nov 21st, 2022 7:37:00 pm
Location: N. Strickler Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
While on a building tour at Mount Joy Wire Corporation Monday evening, FDMJ & Mutual Aid Companies were alerted to the 900 Block of North Strickler Road in Rapho Township for an Outbuilding fire.
911 calls reported a shed on fire with exposure issues. As the initial units were arriving and beginning fire suppression efforts the fire had already extended into the warehouse building.
The fire ended up going to a second alarm bringing in additional mutual aid companies to assist on scene.
Companies operated for several hours to bring the fire under control and overhaul between both buildings.
Thank you to Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 for covering our area. A huge thank you to Joy's Tavern for feeding our firefighters & fire police officers after the call.
📸 - Tim Coover & Spadaccia Photography
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 19th, 2022 11:11:00 am
Location: 283 and 772
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning while decorating The Mount Joy Christmas tree the volunteers responded to two calls.
The first one being a shed fire in West Donegal Township. Tower 75 made the response to assist Company 74 and was placed available after arriving on scene.
At 11:11 Company 75 & Tanker 26 operated on scene of a brush fire on Route 283 WB @ Route 772.
Date / Time: Thu, Nov 10th, 2022 1:49:00 am
Location: Farm Lane
Municipality: East Hempfield
Engine 75-1 w/4 operated as the second due engine in East Hempfield Township assisting Hempfield Fire Department on fire suppression and overhaul at a house fire.
Engine 75-2 operated on scene as needed until released.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 25th, 2022 7:00:00 am
Location: Multiple
Municipality: Multiple
FDMJ volunteers remained busy during the day light hours today. The first call was for a vehicle accident just before 7am in Rapho Township. Later in the morning Traffic 75 assisted Station 26 with traffic control at a vehicle accident.
During the lunch hour the Rescue Engine operated in Mount Joy Borough on a vehicle accident with entrapment involving a tractor trailer. Crews worked to free one occupant from the car.
Shortly after Tower 75 was requested to assist Station 79 on a trash fire. The Tower flowed master streams for several hours before returning.
Date / Time: Mon, Oct 24th, 2022 7:00:00 pm
Location: Training Center
Municipality: East Hempfield
Thank you to @esi_equipment for coming out Monday night to demo the Holmatro Pentheon battery rescue tools. Members sat in on a lecture about the tools, then traveled down to the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center to get hands on time with the tools in operation.
#MountJoyFire #HolmatroRescueEquipment
Date / Time: Sun, Oct 16th, 2022 8:00:00 pm
Location: Marietta Ave.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Sunday evening at 8:00 Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to the 200 block of Marietta Ave. in the Borough for a reported kitchen fire. Engine 75-1 went on scene shortly after dispatch. The crew found a fire on the stove that had been extinguished by our Brother’s in Blue from Mount Joy Borough Police Department. The box was held to 75 and crews ventilated smoke from the house before returning to service.
Date / Time: Thu, Oct 13th, 2022 8:00:00 am
Location: Donegal Primary School
Municipality: East Donegal Township
Today several members of FDMJ provided fire prevention instruction at Donegal Primary School. There were three stations rotating between smoke detectors, thermal imaging camera, firefighter bunker gear, the smoke room and fire safety. The kids learned many safety measures for use at home and what to do in case of an emergency. Thanks to all who participated!
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 11th, 2022 8:00:00 pm
Location: Multiple
Municipality: Multiple
On October 11th, shortly after 8pm Engine 75-1 responded to assist Station 26 with a reported house fire in Penn Township. The issue was traced back to a furnace malfunction.
Just after returning from Penn Township, LCWC dispatched Station 75 for a Vehicle Accident with Entrapment in Mount Joy Township. Engine 75-2 arrived to find one person pinned under the vehicle in the field. The crew worked on stabilization of the vehicle and extricated the occupant.
Around 2:30am Engine 75-2 operated on scene of a minor Vehicle Accident on Route 283 in Rapho Township.
The day time members then responded to three additional calls during the day.
100% Volunteer, looking to join in the on the action? Come check out the upcoming Recruitment Day on November 5th!
#MountJoyFire #Volunteers
Date / Time: Mon, Sep 26th, 2022 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Tonight members trained on forcible entry and rope rescue. The forcible entry section focused on defeating padlocks and chain. The rope rescue section taught members the use of a new harness for the rescue of a conscious victim utilizing a 3 to 1 rope rescue system.
Date / Time: Sat, Sep 17th, 2022 7:29:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This morning, as the volunteers were in the kitchen enjoying some coffee, the station phone rang. A women was reporting she had a ring stuck on her finger and could not get it off and that she was on her way to the fire station.
Members prepared for her arrival and then tried some techniques that were learned in the @pl_vulcan_fire_training Man In Machine class before having to cut the ring due to the finger being excessively swollen.
Date / Time: Sun, Sep 11th, 2022 3:30:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This afternoon the Donegal Youth Soccer Lightning (U11) team stopped by the station. They brought gift bags for each member as well as handmade thank you cards. The team was given a tour of the station and apparatus while they were there. Thank You Donegal Lightning.
Date / Time: Thu, Sep 8th, 2022 9:31:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
At 9:31 this evening Station 75 was dispatched to the 2700 block of Mount Joy Rd. (772) for a vehicle accident with entrapment. Crews arrived to find one vehicle on its side with the driver confined. Crews freed the driver and assisted EMS with patient care. As Engine 75-1 was clearing the scene they were dispatched to North High St. in the Borough for a tree on wires. Crews found a larger branch that had fallen on wires and a house. The house was checked for damage and the scene turned over to PPL.
Date / Time: Sun, Sep 4th, 2022 12:22:00 am
Location: Habecker Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
During the overnight, the FDMJ volunteers and mutual aid companies operated on a house fire on Habecker Rd. in Rapho Township.
Engine 75-1 arrived and stretched two lines to the rear to make an initial attack on tank water. After the first in tanker arrived to supply the engine, the crew stretched a line through the front door to extinguish the fire in two rooms and the attic. Engine 75-2 & Tower 67 worked together to open up for Engine 75-1.
Crews operated on scene for several hours.
Thanks to Manheim Fire Department for covering our first due.
📷 - Rohrerstown Fire & CBFD
Date / Time: Thu, Aug 11th, 2022 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
PRESS RELEASE - 8/11/2022
At this evening's monthly meeting, Fire Department Mount Joy accepted the resignation of Fire Chief Matt Gohn. Chief Gohn has been the fire chief since 2018 and has served the department and our communities with unwavering dedication. Unfortunately due to some unforeseen circumstances, he is unable to continue serving in the role of Fire Chief. He plans to stay active in the department and participate as he is able. The department owes a deep amount of gratitude to Chief Gohn for his many years of service.
With the vacancy at the Fire Chief's position, FDMJ held a special election to fill the position. We are proud to announce that Brett Hamm has been elected as the new Fire Chief. We look forward to the leadership that Chief Hamm will bring to our organization. Due to current Asst. Chief Hamm, being elected as Fire Chief, a vacancy was created at the Asst. Chief level. After another special election, Sam Clark was elected to fill this position.
We congratulate everyone on their new positions and again express our thanks to Matt Gohn for his dedication to the department.
Date / Time: Sun, Jul 24th, 2022 10:05:00 pm
Location: S. Fifth St.
Municipality: Columbia Borough
Last night, Tower 75 responded on the Working Fire Dispatch to Columbia Borough.
The crew operated for about two hours assisting in numerous tasks until being released. The fire ended up going to a second alarm for manpower due to the heat.
📷 - Original Photographers
Date / Time: Sun, Jul 10th, 2022 4:26:00 pm
Location: Spooky Nook Sports
Municipality: East Hempfield Township
This afternoon around 4:30pm the Tower, Engine, & Chief 75-1 were alerted to assist Hempfield Fire Department on a reported building fire at Spooky Nook Sports.
Reports were a popcorn machine on fire and smoke in the building. Deputy 69 arrived and reported the fire to be out but had smoke inside the building. Both companies worked just under 1 hour ventilating the building before returning.
Date / Time: Sat, Jul 9th, 2022 10:07:00 pm
Location: N. Strickler Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Saturday night just after 10pm, FDMJ & mutual aid companies responded to the 1200blk of N. Strickler Road in Rapho Township for a reported house fire.
Chief 75-1 arrived with smoke & fire showing from an attached garage. Engine 75-2 stretched a handline to the interior to extinguish the fire in the garage. As more units arrived companies were assigned to open up and check for any extension. All searches were negative.
Thanks to Engine 74-2 for relocating and covering our area while we operated.
Date / Time: Tue, Jun 28th, 2022 8:06:00 pm
Location: Strickler Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Monday 6/27/2022 FDMJ was dispatched to the 1300 block of Strickler Rd. in Rapho Township for a vehicle fire. Crews arrived to find a well involved pickup truck next to a small barn. The crews were able to knock the fire before it spread to the shed. 📸J. Fazekas
Date / Time: Tue, Jun 14th, 2022 9:31:00 pm
Location: 283 West
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
Last night around 9:30 Engine 75-1 responded to assist @rheemsfd on a car fire. Deputy 70 arrived to find a working car fire and Engine 75-1 extinguished the same. Route 283 was closed for a short time.
📷-Deputy 70
Date / Time: Mon, May 30th, 2022 2:32:00 am
Location: Circle Dr.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Overnight FDMJ and mutual aid departments were dispatched to South Rapho Twp. for a reported fire in a mobile home. Crews arrived to find a fire in a clothes dryer with extension. The crew from E75-1 made a quick knock on the fire while Trucks 75 and 80 ventilated.
Station 75 was assisted by:
Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80
Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 Marietta, PA.
West Hempfield Fire/Rescue
Hempfield Fire Department
Date / Time: Mon, May 23rd, 2022 8:58:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Today FDMJ members along with Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74, Manheim Fire Department, Blue Rock Regional Fire District Station 901 & 905 members completed a Man Vs Machine Class taught by P.L. Vulcan Fire Training Concepts LLC. The volunteers worked on numerous skills from ring removal, impalement, and being trapped under a vehicle.
Today wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of a few. First we would like to Thank Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department for covering an event so that our members could attend this valuable training. Cocker's Towing for the donation of the vehicle to use in today’s class. The Wrightsville Fire & Rescue Company 41 for the use of their impalement prop. We would especially like to thank the Instructors Dominic & John for spending the day sharing their knowledge with everyone in the class.
Date / Time: Fri, May 20th, 2022 11:54:00 pm
Location: Anderson Ferry Road
Municipality: East Donegal Township
Around 11pm last night the FDMJ volunteers responded to a Vehicle Accident with reported Entrapment in East Donegal Township. Engine 75-1 arrived quickly on scene with 1 vehicle overturned and no entrapment.
Around 4am the Engine & Tower responded to the Northwest Bank for an automatic fire alarm.
Date / Time: Fri, May 13th, 2022 10:00:00 am
Location: The Janus School
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
FDMJ participated in The Janus School's "Public Safety Day" this morning. Representatives from FDMJ, MJBPD, and Penn State Life Lion EMS acquainted students with their everyday duty gear and vehicles. Firefighters answered questions and allowed students a hands on learning experience at each station. Many thanks to The Janus School for hosting this event!
Mount Joy Borough Police Department
Life Lion
Date / Time: Mon, May 9th, 2022 6:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This evening FDMJ and Mount Joy Borough Police Department presented Andrew's Gift with a check for just over $9,000. The money was raised from sales of a joint t-shirt created by the two departments for Autism Awareness Month.
Date / Time: Sun, May 1st, 2022 12:42:00 am
Location: Locust Street
Municipality: Columbia Borough
Overnight Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 assisted Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 on a 2 alarm structure fire in the 500 block of Locust Street in Columbia borough. Crews laddered several buildings, performed searches, opened the roof and assisted engine companies.
📸 John Fazekas
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 9th, 2022 6:29:00 am
Location: Route 230 & Espenshade Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning, FDMJ Volunteers operated at the intersection of S. Esbenshade Road & Route 230 for a vehicle accident with reported entrapment. The Rescue Engine & Engine crews worked to remove a driver who was confined and transferred to the care of EMS. Fire Police assisted with traffic control around the accident. Photos by: John Fazekas
Date / Time: Tue, Feb 8th, 2022 4:24:00 pm
Location: Arch St.
Municipality: Elizabethtown Borough
This afternoon, Tower 75 was dispatched to Elizabethtown Borough for a reports of smoke inside a dwelling. Deputy 75 & Tower 75 made the response totaling six volunteers.
Tower 75 arrived as the second due truck and split its crew, sending two firefighters to the roof and two firefighters interior. Deputy 75 had operations on the 2nd floor.
The crew on the roof operated on the Charlie side opening up the roof while the interior crew assisted with opening up the second floor and fire attack with Engine 74-2.
Photos by: T. Coover, A. Malone, T. Stokes
Date / Time: Mon, Jan 31st, 2022 7:00:00 pm
Location: Strickler Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
Tonight crew’s did a walk though of the new Messick’s building on Strickler Rd. It is important for the fire department and it’s members to get acquainted with new buildings in our area. Having a pre-plan will save time if there is ever an emergency at this location.
Date / Time: Sun, Jan 23rd, 2022 3:06:00 am
Location: Carmany Road/Harrisburg Ave.
Municipality: East Donegal Township
During the overnight, The FDMJ Volunteers responded to two separate incidents within 16 minutes of each other.
The first incident was at 2:11am for a stack of 80 hay bales on fire. Companies worked the scene for over 4 hours extinguishing fire within the stack with assistance from a backhoe.
At 2:27am Tower 75 was sent to Rheems Fire Department first due for a reported house fire. Units worked the scene for a short time, then redirected to the first incident.
Thank you to all the mutual aid companies who were on scene to assist this morning.
Photos by: John Fazekas
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 9th, 2021 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At the December monthly meeting FDMJ member's voted in the Fire Ground and Administrative Officer's for 2022. Congratulations to the newly elected and returning officer's.
Fire Chief: Matt Gohn
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Asst. Chief Training: Jason Farley
Asst. Chief Planning: Brett Hamm
Asst. Chief Safety: Bill Hall
Captain: Khrystian Ceron
Lieutenant Engine 1: Zach Leid
Lieutenant Engine 2: Alex Ceron
Lieutenant Truck: Cameron Johns
Chief Engineer: Zach Dennis
Fire police Captain: Dave Rothermel
Fire Police Lieutenant: Michael Hall
President: Matt Kratz
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Trustee: Barry Leber
Date / Time: Tue, Nov 9th, 2021 9:48:00 pm
Location: Jacob St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Statement from the Fire Chief's on the Fatal fire that occurred on November 7, 2021.
On Sunday November 7, 2021, our community suffered a tragic fire that resulted in the loss of life of one of our residents. Fire Department Mount Joy offers our deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. David Sanchez. We fondly remember Mr. Sanchez from around town and are saddened like many of you in his passing. FDMJ recognizes and commends Mr. Sanchez’s military service. He was a proud veteran.
During the same fire, 6 residents of the same apartment building on North Jacob St. lost their apartments and most of their belongings. While they have found new housing on a temporary basis, it will take some time and support for them to recover fully from this loss.
Fire Department Mount Joy would like to thank all of the mutual aid fire departments and EMS who assisted at the scene. We also would like to thank Mount Joy Borough Police Department and recognized the heroic attempt by Officer Steffen to enter and search the burning apartment. Thank you to the Mount Joy Borough Authority for providing one of the best water systems in the county. Thank you to Stacie Gibbs from Mount Joy Borough in enforcing codes that make these properties safer. Thank you to Mayor Tim Bradley who responded to the scene and assisted the property owner and the tenants in securing temporary housing. Without all your efforts, Sunday’s tragedy could have been much worse.
Many have reached out to FDMJ asking about our firefighters. A fatal fire is a difficult event for a fire department. We spend so much time trying to avoid such a tragedy through public education, training, drills and response. Physically, everyone is fine. We suffered some minor equipment damage and that too can be fixed or replaced. Emotionally, we mourn this loss just like the rest of the community. Everyone is holding up through this and we have supports in place. We are keeping an eye on our crews from Sunday and working to ensure their continued health and safety. The volunteers at FDMJ take their role in the community very seriously. Our mission is to save lives and protect property and on Sunday, we weren’t able to do that. We have already discussed the incident internally and there is strong commitment to make ourselves and our department even better.
Date / Time: Fri, Apr 23rd, 2021 4:18:00 pm
Location: Ridgewood Manor
Municipality: Rapho Township
Friday afternoon Station 75 and mutual aid departments were dispatched to the Ridgewood Manor Mobile Home Park in Rapho Township for a mobile home fire. Chief 75-2(Hall) arrived and found a well involved mobile home. Engine 75-1 arrived shortly after and knocked down the bulk of the fire. FDMJ was assisted on scene by Manheim Fire Department, Hempfield Fire Department, East Petersburg Volunteer Fire Company Station 23 , Mastersonville Fire Co and Mountville Fire Company No. 1. Special thanks to Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80 for covering our area while we operated at this fire.
Our thoughts are with the family who lost their house.
Date / Time: Mon, Mar 29th, 2021 7:00:00 pm
Location: LCPSTC
Municipality: East Hempfield
Tonight FDMJ travelled to the County training center to complete the practical portion of our annual Haz-Mat Operations Training. This year’s topic was the use and application of firefighting foam. Foam is used to help extinguish difficult-to-fight fires, particularly fires that involve petroleum or other flammable liquids.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 20th, 2021 7:00:00 pm
Location: The Gathering Place
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
On Saturday March 20, FDMJ held its annual awards banquet. Here is a list of this year's award recipients.
Firefighter of the Year - Jason Farley
Fire Police Officer of the Year - Dave Rothermel
Outstanding New Member - Sam Brock
Fire Chief's Award - Steve Johns
Steven "Greg" McKain Training Award - Jason Farley
Commendation Ribbon - Sam Clark
Purple Cross - William Smith Jr.
Length of Service Awards:
5 Years
Alex Ceron
Keith Fasnacht
Brock Hunt
Cameron Johns
Ben Smith
10 Years
Mason Brandt
Curt Herneisen
15 Years
Robert Purcell
Silver Medal for 25 years
Alisa Breneman
Gold Medal for 40 Years
Jim Johns
Sam Zink
Gold Medal for 41 Years
Bill Hall
Date / Time: Mon, Mar 8th, 2021 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Tonight for training FDMJ member’s completed their annual SCBA FIT test and practiced the Front Porch Drill. This drill teaches proficiency in donning your face piece, gloves and helmet before entering a structure. Crews also got their hands on a demo battery powered saw.
Date / Time: Mon, Feb 22nd, 2021 12:15:00 pm
Location: 283 East
Municipality: Rapho Township
At 12:15pm Staion 75 was dispatched to Route 283 East for a two vehicle accident. Chief 75-1(Clark) arrived to find two vehicles in the median with one driver confined. He immediately asked for a second ambulance and rescue. Engine 75-2 arrived on scene, stabilized the vehicle and went to work removing the driver’s side door of one of the vehicles. Crews assisted EMS removing the patient to the ambulance.
Roads are still slick so please be careful if you have to travel.
Date / Time: Sat, Feb 13th, 2021 6:44:00 pm
Location: Rivermoor
Municipality: East Donegal Township
This evening at 6:44pm Truck 75 was dispatched on Box 79-06 for a reported apartment fire at the Rivermoor Complex. The truck made the response with 6 members and was first on scene. Crews forced the door of the apartment and had low visibility with moderate heat inside. A second crew went to the roof in case the roof needed to be opened up. Crews performed searches, located the fire and assisted with ventilation and overhaul. The crew was on scene for approximately two hours. 📸 @coovertim @scuba_do_2010_wrx
Date / Time: Tue, Feb 9th, 2021 4:12:00 am
Location: 335 E. Main St. Landisville
Municipality: East Hempfield Township
This morning at 4:12am Truck and Engine 75-1 were dispatched on the 2nd alarm to assist Hempfield Fire Department on a building fire at the Black Knights Tavern. At 4:42am Engine 75-2 was added on the 3rd alarm.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 23rd, 2021 3:43:00 am
Location: Sunnyside Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Township
This morning at 3:43 #Engine751 and #Tower75 were dispatched to assist @mastersonvillefire on a barn fire in Rapho Township. FDMJ’s crew of 8 volunteers operated on scene for 4 hours extinguishing the fire with handlines and master streams.
During the fire #Engine752 responded and operated on scene of an accident involving Engine 27-1. We hope the members injured have a speedy & full recovery.
Two additional calls later in the day were answered by the #volunteers.
#fdmj #workingfire #mountjoyfire
Date / Time: Sat, Dec 19th, 2020 2:43:00 pm
Location: Elizabethtown
Municipality: Elizabethtown
Tower75 assisted Elizabethtown Fire Department with a reported building fire at a nursing home. Crews traced back the source to be a burned up belt in a washer. #FDMJ provided ventilation to the first floor and helped Engine 74-2 pick up before returning.
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 10th, 2020 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At this evening's department meeting FDMJ held its annual election of Fire Ground and ExecutiveOfficers. We congratulate all officers and look forward to a great year.
2021 Fire Officers
Chief: Matt Gohn(2nd year of 2 year term)
Deputy Chief: Steve Johns
Asst. Chief Planning: Sam Clark
Asst. Chief Training: Bill Hall
Asst. Chief Safety: Mason Brandt
Captain: Jason Farley
Lieut. Engine 1: Khrystian Ceron
Lieut. Engine 2: Alex Ceron
Lieut. Truck: Cameron Johns
Fire Police Captain:Dave Rothermel
Fire Police Lieut.: Curt Herneisen
2021 Executive Officers
President: Matt Kratz
Vice President: Zach Dennis
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Trustee: William Smith
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
2021 Relief Association
President: Matt Kratz
Vice President: Nate Toepke
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: John Thomas
Date / Time: Sat, Aug 8th, 2020 10:08:00 am
Location: West Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
FDMJ and mutual aid responded to the 700blk of West Main St. in the borough for a reported house fire this morning. Crews investigated and traced the problem back to a furnace malfunction..
During the lunch hour Truck 75 was alerted for a reported house fire in West Donegal Township and canceled while responding.
📸 : Tim Coover
#MountJoyFire #Volunteers #FDMJ #seagrave
Date / Time: Mon, Jul 13th, 2020 7:00:00 pm
Location: LCPSTC
Municipality: East Hempfield Township
This evening FDMJ travelled to the County Training Center for weekly training. Continuing with engine company operations tonight’s training focused on deploying hand lines and car fires. Crews pulled the 300’ line off Engine 75-1 and 200’ cross-lays off Engine 75-2.
Date / Time: Mon, Jul 6th, 2020 7:00:00 pm
Location: Garner Farms
Municipality: Rapho Township
Tonight the members gathered to review drafting operations at a local pond led by Assistance Chief Clark. Over the course of the next couple weeks volunteers will be focusing on engine company operations. Thank you to Garber Farms for the use of their pond tonight.
Date / Time: Mon, Jun 29th, 2020 7:00:00 pm
Location: Lancaster Training Center
Municipality: E Hempfield Twp
Tonight the volunteers finished up 4 weeks of rope rescue training by running a drill at LCPSTC. The drill consisted of a worker down on the roof that needed to be packaged and removed from the roof using the truck and a haul system. The victim was hauled enough to clear the parapet wall so the truck chauffeur could swing the boom left so the rigging team could lower the victim and rescuer to the ground.
Date / Time: Mon, May 4th, 2020 5:00:00 pm
Location: Training Center
Municipality: East Hempfield
This evening Deputy Chief Johns led the volunteers in vehicle stabilization training at the training center. The scenarios given were unique and the crews had to work with limited equipment that was provided to them in each situation.
Date / Time: Fri, Apr 10th, 2020 12:55:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
With this additional time at home, there has been an increase is careless smoking fires across the country. If you or someone in your home smokes, take a moment to review these smoking safety guidelines. Please be safe!
Date / Time: Mon, Mar 30th, 2020 7:00:00 pm
Location: Internet
Municipality: Various
FDMJ is adjusting to the stay-at home order by using technology to still get in our weekly training. Chief Hall setup a Zoom video conference for members this evening. Once he got members up to speed on the technology Deputy Chief Johns reviewed the new PPE bags that are now carried on all apparatus. These bags contain coveralls, N95 masks, gloves and glasses for crews to wear when assisting EMS on medical calls.
Date / Time: Fri, Mar 20th, 2020 5:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
In line with Governor Wolf's latest declaration and to best preserve our firefighting forces, Fire Department Mount Joy has closed our station to all activities except response to emergency calls and support activities DIRECTLY related to emergency calls. Until lifted, there will be no personnel available at the fire station.
For emergencies, Dial 911
If you need non-emergency assistance from FDMJ, please call Lancaster County-Wide Communications at 717-664-1190 and ask for the Station 75 duty chief. The duty chief will return your call and will route your information appropriately.
Matt Gohn
Fire Chief
Date / Time: Tue, Mar 17th, 2020 5:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Mount Joy Borough has directed the closure of all borough buildings to the public. This includes the fire station. Fire Department Mount Joy has closed our building to the pubic and non-essential members until at least March 30, 2020. Only Firefighters, Fire Police, Administrative personnel and essential contractors will have access to the building during this period.
This is one measure that FDMJ is taking to ensure our continued service to the Mount Joy community. We have also modified our response plan in order to protect our members and limit the potential spread of COVID-19.
- Emergency calls of a serious nature will continue to be handled as normal.
- Calls that are less serious will be handled differently and will take into consideration social distancing and other precautions. You may notice much of the crew staying at a distance and not being engaged. Rest assured that if these firefighters are needed, they will be deployed.
- On medical calls, we are sending a very small crew to assist EMS. This crew will not engage except in life threats or when cleared by EMS. At times, it may be necessary for these firefighters to use much more protective equipment than we would normally use. This is out of an abundance of caution and in consideration of the safety of our firefighters.
Our primary mission is to protect the public and we take this seriously and will continue with that mission. In these trying times, we are giving extra attention to our risk management decisions to preserve our forces so we can continue to protect all of you.
As always, if you have an emergency call 911.
For non-emergency contact to the fire department:
Lancaster County Wide Communications 717-664-1190
FDMJ 717-653-1600
Watch for continued updates to this evolving situation.
Matt Gohn
Fire Chief
Date / Time: Sun, Mar 8th, 2020 6:33:00 pm
Location: 100 Block S. Market Ave.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 6:33pm Sunday, Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched to S. Market Ave. in Mount Joy Borough for an Outbuilding.
Chief 75-2 arrived to find a working fire in a three car detached garage. Engine 75-1 arrived and placed several attack lines in service to extinguish the fire. Crews were on scene for about two hours.
Assisting on scene were Elizabethtown Fire Dept Station 74, Rheems Fire Department, Maytown-East Donegal Township Fire Department, Mountville Fire Department and Susquehanna Valley EMS.
Thanks to Hempfield Fire Department for covering our first due while we operated.
Date / Time: Sun, Feb 23rd, 2020 12:11:00 am
Location: Marietta Ave.
Municipality: West Hempfield Township
After returning from a vehicle accident on Musser Rd., Engine 75-2 was dispatched to relocate to Columbia Borough Fire Department.
While responding LCWC redirected Engine 75-2 to the scene of the working house fire in West Hempfield Township. Engine 75-2 provided lighting to the Charlie side from Rohrer Ave.
Date / Time: Sun, Feb 16th, 2020 7:08:00 pm
Location: Milton Grove Road
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
FDMJ and units from Mastersonville and Rheems responded to a Chimney Fire on Milton Grove Road in Mount Joy Township. Crews arrived to find a fire in the chimney flue with excessive heat in the walls adjacent of the chimney. Firefighters worked for nearly two hours to confirm the fire was extinguished with no extension to the home.
Date / Time: Sun, Feb 2nd, 2020 5:29:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
The 2019 incident statistics have been published by Lancaster County Wide Communications.
FDMJ was the 5th busiest all-volunteer company (9th overall) in the county, responding to 602 calls.
Engine 75-1 responded to 310 incidents making it the 12th busiest engine in the county.
Engine 75-2 responded to 77 rescue incidents and 141 other incidents.
Truck 75 was the 2nd busiest all-volunteer truck company (5th overall) responding to 274 incidents.
We thank all the residents for your support and thank the volunteers for the numerous amount of hours that are dedicated to our community. Thank you for keeping FDMJ 100% VOLUNTEER.
Date / Time: Sun, Feb 2nd, 2020 11:03:00 am
Location: 200 Chocolate Ave.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 11:03 Station 75 was dispatched to 200 Chocolate Ave. at Cargill for an automatic fire alarm. Chief 75-1(Clark) arrived and met with facility staff and was notified they had a small fire that was contained to one of the roasters. As crews investigated further the incident was upgraded to a building assignment to bring additional resources and manpower. Crews from Elizabethtown, Rheems and Maytown arrived and assisted with checking for extension in the exhaust ducts. Susquehanna Valley EMS stood by on-scene and Hempfield Fire had an engine in station 75 for the duration of the call.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 9th, 2020 7:06:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Chief - Matt Gohn
Deputy Chief - Steve Johns
Chief 75-1 Planning - Sam Clark
Chief 75-2 Training - Bill Hall
Chief 75-3 Safety - Mason Brandt
Captain - Ben Smith
Engine 1 Lt - Khrystian Ceron
Engine 75-2 Lt - Matt Kratz
Truck Lt - Jason Farley
Fire Police Capt - Curt Herneisen
Fire Police Lt - Dave Rothermel
President - Bob Purcell
Vice President - Zach Dennis
Secretary - Lisa Breneman
Treasurer - Michele Bard
Trustee - Bob Lutz
Trustee - Barry Leber
Trustee - Phil Colvin
Chaplin - Roxanne Wolgemuth
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 9th, 2019 5:00:00 pm
Location: John Wright Restaraunt
Municipality: Wrightsville Borough
FDMJ members celebrated their annual awards banquet on Saturday March 9, 2019 at John Wright Restaurant in Wrightsville.
Special thanks to Stations 70 and 23 for covering our first due while we enjoyed ourselves.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 10th, 2019 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At this evening's monthly meeting, the 2019 FDMJ Fire and Administrative Officers were sworn in by Mayor Bradley.
Fire Chief: Matt Gohn
Deputy Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief: William Hall
Assistant Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Chief: Sam Clark
Captain: Ben Smith
Lieutenant: Khrystian Ceron
Lieutenant: Robert Purcell
Lieutenant: Ryan Gardill
Chief Engineer: Zachary Dennis
Fire Police Lieutenant: Curtis Herneisen
President: Robert Purcell (2 year term)
Vice President: Zachary Dennis
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Trustee: Barry Leber (3 year term)
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Relief Association
President: Matt Kratz
Vice President: Ted George
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Curtis Herneisen
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 13th, 2018 7:30:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
At tonight's monthly business meeting, FDMJ members cast votes for 2019 Fire and Administrative Officers. 2019 Officers are listed below.
President: Robert Purcell (2 year term)
Vice President: Zachary Dennis
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Trustee: Barry Leber (3 year term)
Chaplain: Roxanne Wolgemuth
Deputy Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief: William Hall
Assistant Chief: Steve Johns
Assistant Chief: Sam Clark
Captain: Ben Smith
Lieutenant: Khrystian Ceron
Lieutenant: Robert Purcell
Lieutenant: Ryan Gardill
Chief Engineer: Zachary Dennis
Fire Police Captain: Curtis Herneisen
The Fire Chief (Matt Gohn) and two Trustees (Bob Lutz and Phil Colvin) were not up for election this year. Officers-elect will be sworn in and take office at the January 2019 monthly business meeting. We thank all that have served the department as officers in 2018.
Date / Time: Sat, Apr 7th, 2018 8:00:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
On Saturday FDMJ hosted the second annual Old Timers breakfast. Approximately 100 past members of the former Florin and Friendship fire companies as well as past and present members of FDMJ attended. A wonderful breakfast buffet was donated by The Gathering Place!
Photos by: Kenneth Newcomer
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 17th, 2018 5:00:00 pm
Location: John Wright Restaraunt
Municipality: Wrightsville
Last evening FDMJ members gathered together at the John Wright Restaurant in Wrightsville for the Annual Awards Banquet. An excellent dinner was highlighted by our annual video and awards ceremony. The following members were recognized for their tremendous contributions to our organization:
5 Years of Service: Scott Adams and Jason Stiltner
10 Years of Service: Gary Scheaffer and John Wilber
35 Years of Service: Kevin Hershey
Outstanding New Member: Ryan Gardill
Junior Firefighter of the Year: Zach Leid
Fire Police Officer of the Year: Curtis Herneisen
John H. Lutz Firefighter of the Year: Khrystian Ceron
Steve "Greg" McKain Training Award: Thomas Rothermel
Chief's Award: William "Bubba" Smith
Three Lifesaving Medals were given tonight for an incident that occurred in October of 2013. On the afternoon of Friday, October 11th, 2013, Fire Department Mount Joy, Maytown-East Donegal Fire Department, Columbia No. 1 Fire Department, Susquehanna Valley EMS, Northwest EMS, and Mount Joy Borough Police were dispatched to the rear of 500 Creekside Lane, Mount Joy Borough, for a water rescue. At this time, a severe weather event had caused mass flooding of the area, resulting in over twenty-five incidents in the Fire Department Mount Joy first due district over the course of forty-eight hours. FDMJ units had been answering calls for service already this day, and at the time of dispatch were returning from another call. Responding units were given a report by Lancaster County Wide Communications of two juvenile males playing in the flooded creek that were now clinging to a log.
The crew of Engine 75-2 for this incident was: FF Barry Leber (Driver), Deputy Chief Terry Bradley (Officer), Captain Mason Brandt, FF Steven Hammond, and FF Zach Jones. As Engine 75-2 arrived, the crew was met by FF Tristan Broome who reported that two children were stranded on a log in the flooded creek with very swiftly flowing water. He responded directly to the scene from his home nearby. Captain Brandt, FF Hammond, and FF Broome donned water rescue PPE and proceeded along the shore line of the creek to where the children were stranded. They were joined by FF Brett Hamm from Truck 75. FF’s Broome and Hammond entered the water in a clam spot behind a build-up of debris. They used a throw bag for the first child, who was able to hold on to it and was swung to the shore. FF Hamm entered the water up to his knees to pull the child out of the creek, as multiple trees prevented the rope from reaching the bank. This was repeated with the ring buoy for the second child. Both children were taken directly to an awaiting ambulance and fully recovered from this incident. With the temperature and velocity of the moving water, it was estimated that the two youths had mere minutes left before being swept away.
Assistant Chief William Kanoff was awarded the Purple Cross for the injuries he sustained at the Union School Road fire in February.
Firefighter William Kanoff was awarded a Commendation Ribbon for his actions at the Union School Road fire in February as after being ordered to exit the structure, he left the structure, recognized that not all personnel had made it out of the building, and returned to the doorway to help guide firefighters out of the burning structure through high heat and zero visibility.
Firefighter Khrystian Ceron was awarded the Medal of Heroism and the Lifesaving Medal for his actions at the Union School Road fire. As portions of the structure were approaching collapse, interior crews were instructed to exit the building. In the process, Asst. Chief Kanoff became disoriented and was lost in the structure. After leaving the building and realizing a crew member was missing, FF Ceron reentered the structure, through high heat and zero visibility, without a hose line for thermal imaging camera, and located Asst. Chief Kanoff. He then helped remove Asst. Chief Kanoff from the structure moments before the area was consumed by flashover.
In addition, Chaplain James Carr announced his retirement as Chaplain of FDMJ at the end of 2018 after many years of dedicated service to the community in this position.
We would like to thank the Banquet Committee of Claudia Dennis, Emilee Kratz, and Amanda Nelson for putting this great event together.
Date / Time: Tue, Mar 6th, 2018 5:04:00 pm
Location: N. Queen St.
Municipality: Maytown
Just after 5:00pm Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 were dispatched to assist Station 79(Maytown) on a House Fire. The truck arrived and set up on the A/D corner and removed the outer walls on side D of the dwelling.
Crew used the tower bucket to access side D using saws and hooks to open the wall to gain access to the fire.
Engine 75-1’s crew went to manpower staging before being released.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 7th, 2018 6:04:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
From the Office of the Fire Chief,
On Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at approximately 3:15 PM, Fire Department Mount Joy and neighboring agencies were dispatched to a reported residential structure fire in the 600 block of Union School Road, East Donegal Township. The address was later confirmed to be in Mount Joy Borough. Units arrived to find a well-advanced fire consuming the attached garage of the home and extending into the structure.
During the course of interior firefighting operations, it was determined that portions of the structure were in danger of collapse and all personnel were evacuated from the building. In the process of exiting the structure, one firefighter from Fire Department Mount Joy sustained burn injuries and was transported to Lancaster General Hospital. The firefighter was then transferred to Chester-Crozier burn center in Chester, Pennsylvania for continuing treatment.
All occupants of the home were able to exit safely and were uninjured by the fire. The Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshall's office is investigating the cause of the incident and the structure is estimated to be a complete loss. Our thoughts are with the family during this challenging time.
We thank the various neighboring emergency services agencies who assisted at the scene: Maytown/East Donegal Fire Department, Marietta Fire Company, Rheems Fire Department, Elizabethtown Fire Department, Mastersonville Fire Company, Columbia Borough Fire Department, Hempfield Fire Department, Mountville Fire Company, Wrightsville Fire Company, Northwest EMS, Susquehanna Valley EMS, Mount Joy Borough Police, and Susquehanna Regional Police. West Hempfield Fire Rescue and East Petersburg Fire Company transferred units to cover the Mount Joy area for the duration of the fire and were a tremendous help returning all equipment to service. In addition, we are very grateful for the offering of further assistance to our organization and the family of our injured firefighter by various organizations and members of the community. We continue to thank our community for their tremendous support.
Matt Gohn
Fire Chief
Fire Department Mount Joy
Date / Time: Tue, Feb 6th, 2018 3:15:00 pm
Location: 600 Blk Union School Rd
Municipality: East Donegal Township
FDMJ responded to a reported garage fire attached to a single family dwelling. Chief 75 arrived and confirmed a working fire in the garage spreading to the house. Units assisting were from Maytown, Elizabethtown, Columbia, Marietta, Mastersonville, Mountville, Rheems, Hempfield and West Hempfield.
One member from FDMJ was injured and transported to the hospital.
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 14th, 2017 7:30:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
At the December FDMJ Business Meeting, membership voted to elect fire and administrative officers for 2018. The following members have been elected to office and will be sworn in at the January Business Meeting.
Fire Chief: Matt Gohn (2 year term)
Deputy Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief: Bill Kanoff
Assistant Chief: Andrew Wittle
Assistant Chief: Tristan Broome
Captain: Brock Hunt
Lieutenant: Bob Purcell
Lieutenant: Steve Hammond
Lieutenant: Ben Smith
Chief Engineer: Zach Dennis
Fire Police Captain: James Shelton
Fire Police Lieutenant: Curt Herneisen
Vice President: Zach Dennis
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Trustee: Phil Colvin
Chaplain: Jim Carr
President and two Trustees were not up for election in 2017.
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 11th, 2017 12:00:00 pm
Location: Lebanon
Municipality: Lebanon
The 2000 American LaFrance/LTI Ladder that served as Truck 75 for the past 17 years left the station today for the final time, arriving at its new home. Chief Engineer Zach Dennis made the delivery to the Ebenezer Fire Company of Lebanon PA. The American LaFrance will be replacing a 1980's Sutphen Ladder Truck for the Ebenezer Fire Company.
Date / Time: Mon, Apr 10th, 2017 8:00:00 am
Location: Clintonville, WI
Municipality: Clintonville
Seven members of the Truck Committee traveled to the Seagrave factory in Clintonville, WI to conduct final inspection of the 95' Aerialscope. Seagrave will be showing the Truck at FDIC in Indianapolis the last week of April and FDMJ will take delivery some time the second week of May.
The members of FDMJ would again like to thank our municipalities, busineses and residents for their generous support which made this project possible.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 18th, 2017 7:30:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Yesterday morning was the first "Old Timer's" Breakfast at FDMJ. We hope to make this an annual event. Over 40 current and past members gathered for breakfast to share stories and photos. The oldest member represented was WW2 Veteran Harold Billow (94), a member of the former Friendship Fire Company. Other past members traveled from as far away as Harrisburg and Reading to attend. Thank you all for a great event!
Date / Time: Sun, Feb 26th, 2017 1:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Today we had the opportunity to welcome members of various churches in the Mount Joy area for an open house. Over the past two years, the FDMJ membership has actively undergone a process to renovate the fire station, built in 1980. Many parts of the station were not updated since the station was originally constructed.
Thanks to the generosity of our community members, organized through the churches of Mount Joy, we were able to fund the second portion of the building renovation. This project consisting of updated office spaces, meeting spaces, gym area, lounge, kitchen, and bunk room. Also, bathroom facilities, electrical, and plumbing upgrades were completed. Without this extremely generous donation, none of these improvements would have been able to come to furition.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 12th, 2017 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Tonight FDMJ's 2017 Fire and Administrative Officers were sworn in by Mount Joy Mayor Tim Bradley.
Chief: Phil Colvin
Deputy Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief 1: Jason Stiltner
Assistant Chief 2: Andrew Wittle
Assistant Chief 3: Tristan "TJ" Broome
Captain: Barry Leber
Lieutenant 1: Ben Smith
Lieutenant 2: Bob Purcell
Lieutenant 3: William "Bubba" Smith
Chief Engineer: Zach Dennis
Captain: James Shelton
Lieutenant: Curtis Herneisen
President (2 year term): Bob Purcell
Vice President: Zach Dennis
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Trustee (3 year term): Bob Lutz
Chaplain: Jim Carr
RELIEF ASSOC (2 Year Term)
President: Mason Brandt
Vice President: Matt Kratz
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Curtis Herneisen
Date / Time: Wed, Dec 21st, 2016 8:44:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
As pretty as a perfectly decorated fireplace mantel and hearth may look over the holidays, keep in mind that you are adding combustible materials to a heat source. A rule of thumb is to have 2-3 feet of clearance. Remember that heat rises, so hanging those stocking or garland on the mantel puts them in harm's way. In addition to the radiant heat, fireplaces may throw sparks or hot ashes. So keep that hearth and mantel clean and free from clutter. Wishing you a safe holiday season!
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 9th, 2016 12:55:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Be cautious when using power strips in your home. Too many times it's easy to overload a power strip which will cause a fire. A typical household 6-outlet power strip has a max load of 15 amps. Did you know that a space heater draws 12.5 amps alone! Plugging that into a power strip will max out the circuit quickly, and is NOT recommended by the manufacturer. Take a few minutes to read the manufacturer's guidelines when utilizing these types of products. Never plug a power strip into an extension cord. Be safe over this holiday season!
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 9th, 2016 10:56:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
FDMJ is selling the command box from the 2006 GMC Yukon Duty Vehicle. The box dimensions are 48" wide x 29.5" high x 29.5" deep. Contact Assistant Chief Mason Brandt if interested at Asking price is $500.00 OBO, accepting bids until December 31st, 2016.
Date / Time: Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 8:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Tonight, FDMJ held the annual election of officers for the fire department and relief association. All officers were up for re-election this year with the exception of the Fire Chief and two Trustees. The 2017 FDMJ Fire and Administrative Officers are listed below.
Deputy Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief 1: Jason Stiltner
Assistant Chief 2: Andrew Wittle
Assistant Chief 3: Tristan "TJ" Broome
Captain: Barry Leber
Lieutenant 1: Ben Smith
Lieutenant 2: Bob Purcell
Lieutenant 3: William "Bubba" Smith
Chief Engineer: Zach Dennis
Captain: James Shelton
Lieutenant: Curtis Herneisen
President (2 year term): Bob Purcell
Vice President: Zach Dennis
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Michele Bard
Trustee (3 year term): Bob Lutz
Chaplain: Jim Carr
President: Mason Brandt
Vice President: Matt Kratz
Secretary: Lisa Breneman
Treasurer: Curtis Herneisen
We would like to thank those who have served the department as an officer in 2016. Congradulations to those who have been elected to office for 2017. Officers will be sworn into office at the January 2017 company meeting.
Date / Time: Tue, Dec 6th, 2016 2:07:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
With winter weather in the forecast FDMJ would recommend you take a few minutes and review PEMA's Winter Preparedness Tips.
Date / Time: Tue, Dec 6th, 2016 10:20:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
It's that time of year when we all enjoy the festivities of the holiday season! FDMJ would like to remind you of a few safety tips over this holiday season! Did you know, it is recommended to only have a live tree in your home for 4 weeks? Remember to keep your live tree watered regularly. When your tree becomes dry and starts to drop needles, it's time to discard it. Be safe!
Date / Time: Mon, Nov 21st, 2016 10:52:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Saturday afternoon we were informed of the passing of Past Fire Chief George Hedrick. There is no way we can adequately share the impact Fire Chief George Hedrick had on the Friendship Fire Company, Fire Department Mount Joy, and our community. George was one of the great leaders in the local fire service, leaving a lasting impact on our organization. Our records indicate he joined the Friendship Fire Company of Mount Joy, one of the predecessor organizations to FDMJ, on December 1, 1964. George was the Fire Chief at time time of the purchase of the first ladder truck to serve Mount Joy, a 1957 Mack Tiller truck.
George served in the US Navy during Vietnam. In 1975, he returned from the Navy and joined the Harrisburg Bureau of Fire. He served the city of Harrisburg for 30 years until 2005, retiring at the rank of Captain. George was less active in the fire service after retirement, but occasionally he stopped in to the station to catch up and share stories. He was a leader and mentor to many within Fire Department Mount Joy and the Harrisburg Bureau of Fire and will truly be missed.
Date / Time: Sat, Aug 27th, 2016 11:30:00 am
Location: Locust St.
Municipality: Columbia Borough
Several members participated in the funeral service for former Bainbridge Chief and retired County Dispatcher Joe Mohr. Truck 75 and Truck 74(Etown) were used for the flag arch outside of the church in Columbia.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Joe's family, friends and our Brother's and Sister's at Station 71.
Date / Time: Fri, Aug 26th, 2016 2:10:00 pm
Location: Bridge Valley Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
Just after 2:00 this afternoon FDMJ and mutual aid companies were dispatched to Bridge Valley Rd. in Rapho Twp. for a reported outbuilding on fire. First arriving crews found the fire to be in a pile of chicken waste in the very rear of the building. Crews used a 300' line to get back to the fire. A skid loader from the farm was used to move material so the fire could be extinguished. No damage to the building was reported.
Date / Time: Thu, Aug 25th, 2016 8:00:00 am
Location: Seagrave
Municipality: Clintonville, Wisconsin
Earlier this week FDMJ's apparatus committee traveled to the Seagrave Fire Apparatus plant in Wisconsin for a pre-construction meeting for the new tower ladder. Over the 3 days members worked with the Seagrave engineers to finalize the specifications for the vehicle. After final approval of the specifications, construction
will begin. The new tower ladder is scheduled for delivery in September 2017.
Date / Time: Fri, Aug 5th, 2016 11:00:00 am
Location: Calvary Bible Church
Municipality: East Donegal Twp.
FDMJ would like to thank Calvary Bible Church for inviting us to attend the last day of their Camp Good News program. Three members took Engine 75-1 and were treated to a picnic lunch and were given thank you cards and treats to share at the station.
We appreciate your support.
Date / Time: Fri, Jul 22nd, 2016 12:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
A special thanks to the MOMS Group from Trinity Lutheran Church for dropping off some homemade goodies today. The kids also made a Thank You card for the members and were given a tour.
We appreciate the support we receive from our community.
Date / Time: Mon, Jun 27th, 2016 11:33:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At a special meeting on June 16, 2016 the members of FDMJ voted to replace Truck 75 with a Seagrave 95' Aerialscope. Members of FDMJ have been meeting to discuss the needs and specifications of the replacement Truck for over two years. Over 10 manufacturers brought demonstration units or provided specifications for the members and officers to review. The Truck Committee then reviewed proposals from three manufacturers to determine which vehicle would best meet the department's and community's needs.
Committee members will soon be meeting with Seagrave for the engineering meeting to finalize the specifications so construction can begin. Delivery of the new Truck is expected to be in July of 2017.
The Officers and Members of FDMJ would like to thank the Communities and Municipalities that we serve for their continuous support to make projects like this possible.
Date / Time: Sat, Mar 19th, 2016 7:00:00 pm
Location: Lancaster Liederkranz
Municipality: Mount Joy
On Saturday, March 19th, FDMJ members and guests gathered at the Lancaster Liederkranz for the 23rd Annual Fire Department Mount Joy Awards Banquet. Awards presented were as follows:
Five Years of Service: Mason Brandt & Curtis Herneisen
Ten Years of Service: Robert Purcell & Dan Zink
Thirty Five Years of Service: Jim Johns & Sam Zink
Junior Firefighter of the Year: Alex Ceron
Fire Police of the Year: Joe Smith
Chief's Award: Zach Dennis
Steven "Greg" McKain Training Award: Tyler Nelson
Outstanding New Member: Ben Smith
John H Lutz Firefighter of the Year: William "Bubba" Smith
Special Award of Recognition: Nolan Shellenberger
We would like to thank the Columbia Borough Fire Department and the East Petersburg Fire Department for providing stand-by crews while our members enjoyed the night off. Stand-by crews responded to one call during the evening, an Automatic Fire Alarm at 330 East Main Street, Mount Joy Borough.
Date / Time: Wed, Mar 16th, 2016 9:05:00 am
Location: East Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This morning at 0905 Station 75 was dispatched to the 200 block of E. Main St. for a reported chimney fire. E751 arrived to find thick black smoke coming from the chimney and a smoke condition inside and upgraded the assignment to a dwelling. Crews forced entry and made their way to the basement where they found a furnace malfunction. The house was ventilated and checked for normal CO levels before placing the box in service. FDMJ was assisted on scene by crews from stations 70, 74 & 80.
Date / Time: Wed, Mar 9th, 2016 5:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Wednesday afternoon FDMJ received a very generous donation from several of the Churches in Mount Joy. The check reflected combined donations from: Mount Joy Mennonite, Crossroads Brethren in Christ, Trinity Lutheran, St Mark's United Methodist and Mary, Mother of the Church Catholic.
The officer's and member's of FDMJ are extremely grateful for this very generous show of community support.
Date / Time: Mon, Feb 1st, 2016 9:00:00 am
Location: Fire Department Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
The beginning of the year proved to be a busy one for the volunteers of Fire Department Mount Joy between meeting, trainings, and calls. Some of the highlights are listed below.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 23rd, 2016 8:44:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Recruitment Day has been cancelled due to the inclement weather and the predicted forecast. We will reschedule for a future date. Anyone interested in becoming a member can stop by the firehouse on a Monday evening to apply. Thank you for your interest, but the public's safety is our number one priority. If you do not need to travel today, please remain at home. The State of Pennsylvania and Mount Joy Borough are both in a state of emergency.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 16th, 2016 3:00:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Read the article from Lancaster Newspaper. Click here.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 9th, 2016 2:35:00 am
Location: Esbenshade Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
FDMJ responded to two calls in the overnight hours. At 02:35, Engine 75-2 (Ceron), Traffic 75, and Capt. Stiltner responded to Esbenshade Rd for a vehicle accident-standby. Rescue crew operated on scene for 25 minutes before they were released. The Traffic 75 remained onscene for another hour until the road was turned over to the township road crews. Shortly after returning to the firehouse, LCWC alerted Engine 75-1 to transfer to Station 67 to stand-by, while they were on a fire in Manor Township. Engine 75-1 (Ceron) stood by for approximately 2.5 hours.
Date / Time: Tue, Jan 5th, 2016 7:44:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Prepare for extremely cold weather every winter—it's always a possibility. There are steps you can take in advance for greater wintertime safety in your home.
Prepare Your Home for Winter
Although periods of extreme cold cannot always be predicted far in advance, weather forecasts can sometimes provide you with several days' notice. Listen to weather forecasts regularly and check your emergency supplies whenever a period of extreme cold is predicted.
If you plan to use a fireplace or wood stove for emergency heating, have your chimney or flue inspected each year. Ask your local fire department to recommend an inspector or find one in the yellow pages of your telephone directory under "chimney cleaning."
Also, if you'll be using a fireplace, wood stove, or kerosene heater, install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector near the area to be heated. Test them monthly and replace batteries twice a year. All fuel-burning equipment should be vented to the outside.
Your ability to feel a change in temperature decreases with age. Older people are more susceptible to health problems caused by cold. If you are over 65 years old, place an easy-to-read thermometer in an indoor location where you will see it frequently. Check the temperature of your home often during the winter months.
Insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls so your water supply will be less likely to freeze. To the extent possible, weatherproof your home by adding weather-stripping, insulation, insulated doors, and storm windows or thermal-pane windows.
If you have pets, bring them indoors. If you cannot bring them inside, provide adequate shelter to keep them warm and make sure they have access to unfrozen water.
-Information provide by the CDC:
Date / Time: Fri, Jan 1st, 2016 7:30:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Various
FDMJ started the New Year off with 3 reported mutual aid fires. Truck 75 was dispatched to East Hempfield Township for a reported apartment building fire around 07:30. Truck 75 was recalled shortly after responding. Just before 14:00, Engine 75-2 was dispatched for a reported apartment building fire in Elizabethtown Borough. Engine 75-2 held the position of RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) for approximately 20 minutes until being released by command. Shortly after returning to station, Engine 75-2 was dispatched back to Elizabethtown Borough for a reported dwelling fire. Command 74 held the assignment to Station 74 after confirming a furnace malfunction.
Date / Time: Sun, Dec 20th, 2015 2:18:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough/East Donegal Twp.
This morning several members delivered holiday food and gift baskets to 36 needy families in the Mount Joy area. This annual event is coordinated by the Columbia Lions Club and Sunsnappers organization. This year well over 500 baskets were delivered in Columbia and MANY surrounding communities.
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 11th, 2015 1:56:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
During the December Business Meeting, FDMJ members elected officers for the 2016 term. The results are listed below. Officers are sworn into office during the January Business Meeting.
President: Bob Purcell
Vice President: Zach Dennis
Secretary: Matt Kratz
Trustee: Barry Leber
Chaplain: James Carr
Fire Chief: Phil Colvin
Deputy Chief: Terry Bradley
Assistant Chief: Jason Stiltner
Assistant Chief: Andrew Wittle
Assistant Chief: Mason Brandt
Captain Operations: Barry Leber
Captain: Tristan Broome
Lieutenant: Scott Adams
Lieutenant: William Smith
Lieutenant: Bob Purcell
Chief Engineer: Zach Dennis
Fire Police Captain: James Shelton
Fire Police Lieutenant: Curtis Herneisen
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 20th, 2015 10:00:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Yesterday the Elizabethtown MOMS club visited FDMJ for a tour of the station. Crews showed the kids the apparatus, let them try on fire gear, and talked to them about some simple fire safety tips. The kids and their moms had a great time and left with fire safety goodie bags.
Date / Time: Fri, Oct 9th, 2015 4:42:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy & East Donegal
October 4-10 was Fire Prevention week and FDMJ was busy with several events. Monday a crew took E751 to Donegal Primary School and Tuesday to Kraybill Mennonite School. Friday morning St. Mark's preschool brought their class to the station for a tour and presentation.
Date / Time: Thu, Oct 8th, 2015 8:30:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
This morning four Donegal students were chauffeured to school on Engine 751. The kid's grandmother bought the ride as a fundraiser for the Kids Joy Land Playground project. Thanks Marianne Melleby for your community support. It certainly appeared that Andrew & Molly Myers and Jacob & Nathan Melleby enjoyed the ride as well as the welcome they received from their classmates. (younger brother Simon Melleby didn't get a ride but was all smiles.)
Date / Time: Sat, May 16th, 2015 7:06:00 am
Location: Kelly Ave
Municipality: East Donegal Twp.
Saturday at 7:06am, FDMJ and mutual aid companies were dispatched to a house fire in the 300 block of Kelly Dr. Units arrived to find the house fully involved. A passerby saw the fire and alerted the family who escaped unharmed.
A fund has been set up to help the family.
Date / Time: Tue, Mar 31st, 2015 11:05:00 pm
Location: Bernhard Ave
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
FDMJ responded to a dwelling fire of one of its members, Erik Henry on Monday night. Erik was working and his wife and children were home. All got out safely, but his wife did suffer from some smoke inhalation and was in the hospital for several days.
As one of our dedicated members, we are reaching out to help Erik and his family through this challenging time. Erik has been a dedicated member of FDMJ for many years serving as a fire figher and a Chief Officer.
If you would like to help Erik and his family with a donation to help cover any of their uninsured costs, we have setup a Go Fund Me page where donation can be made.
Date / Time: Fri, Mar 6th, 2015 2:07:00 am
Location: Maple Dr.
Municipality: Rapho Township
Shortly after 2:00pm FDMJ and mutual aid companies were dispatched to a reported dwelling fire in Rapho Twp. Rescue 804 was first on scene and found a working fire in the laundry room. They held the fire in check with 2 water cans until E751deployed an attack line and extinguished the fire.
Date / Time: Sun, Mar 1st, 2015 4:43:00 am
Location: Kinderhook Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Twp.
Sunday at 4:43am station 75 was dispatched to Kinderhook Rd in Rapho Twp. for a MVC with a vehicle into a house. Chief 75(Hall) arrived to find one vehicle had hit the corner of a house with one occupant still in the vehicle. E752 arrived and the crew went to work assisting EMS with removing the patient while E751 crew checked the house for structural damage.
Date / Time: Mon, Jan 12th, 2015 9:31:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Various
This week started off with four calls for service Monday. In the morning, crews were dispatched to a cardiac arrest and an assist the police dept. The third coming at lunch time for a vehicle accident at Espenshade Rd. & Strickler Rd. Two vehicles were involved and both drivers were transported to a local hospital as a precaution.
The tones dropped for the fourth time Monday evening during the monthly operations meeting, for a barn fire . The truck and engine made the response to assist Station 26 with a fire in a heating unit in a barn. The fire was contained to the heater.
Date / Time: Mon, Dec 22nd, 2014 8:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Fire Department Mount Joy would like to announce the departmental Officers for 2015.
President: Bob Purcell
Vice President: Jim Johns
Secretary: Matt Kratz
Treasurer: John Thomas
Trustee: Bob Lutz
Trustee: Phil Colvin
Trustee: Matt Gohn
Chaplain: Jim Carr
Chief: William Hall
Deputy Chief: Terry Bradley
Assistant Chief: Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief: Tyler Prickett
Assistant Chief: Barry Leber
Captain: Jason Stiltner
Captain: Andrew Wittle
Lieutenant: William Smith
Lieutenant: Bob Purcell
Lieutenant: TJ Broome
Fire Police Captain: James Shelton
Fire Police Lieutenant: Curt Hermeisen
We would like to thank the 2014 officers for their commitment and service to the department and community. Newly elected Officers take office in January.
Date / Time: Tue, Nov 11th, 2014 2:54:00 pm
Location: W. Main St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
E75-2 Was dispatched to assist Station 70 with a 2 vehicle accident with entrapment on W. Main St. Crews arrived to find one driver confined. Station 70 & 75 crews worked together to remove the driver's door and assist EMS with patient care.
Date / Time: Mon, Nov 10th, 2014 5:00:00 pm
Location: Station 75
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Monday evening members gathered for the monthly operations meeting. After the meeting crews reviewed installation of snow chains on the rigs while trainees and junior firefighters worked on completing tasks in their task books.
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 8th, 2014 12:26:00 am
Location: Marietta Ave.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Early Saturday morning, FDMJ responded to its fourth call in five hours. Units were dispatched to the 300 block of Marietta Avenue, Mount Joy Borough, for a reported residential structure fire. Crews found a fire in the wall surrounding a chimney. Siding, insulation and wood paneling needed to be removed to extinguish the fire. FDMJ was assisted by Rheems, Elizabethtown, Columbia (Susquehanna) and Maytown Fire Departments.
Date / Time: Mon, Oct 27th, 2014 11:33:00 am
Location: Lefever Rd.
Municipality: Rapho Twp.
Monday night at 2333hrs. Station 75 and mutual aid companies were alerted for a building fire on Lefever Rd. in Rapho Twp. Chief 75-2(Prickett) arrived to find a working fire in a detached garage. E75-2(Brandt) arrived with 6 and deployed an attack line into the garage. Crews found fire in the ceiling and went to work. Once the fire was extinguished, crews did a thorough oaverhaul before going available.
Date / Time: Wed, Oct 22nd, 2014 4:06:00 pm
Location: N. Market St.
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
FDMJ was fortunate to be granted access to two houses scheduled for demolition. Crews spent two nights working on Engine and Truk Co. operations. This type of "Real World" training experience is extremely valuable and doesn't come along often. The members of FDMJ are extremely grateful to the property owner for this opportunity.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 14th, 2014 2:44:00 pm
Location: Donegal High School
Municipality: East Donegal Twp.
Today members of FDMJ and several surrounding Emergency Services Agencies participated in Public Safety Day at Donegl High School. The crew from Rescue Engine 75-2 demonstrated vehicle rescue techniques for the students.
Date / Time: Mon, Oct 13th, 2014 8:00:00 am
Location: Fire Department Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Here is the lates update on the building renovation project!
Over the past three weeks, contractors have been extensively renovating the apparatus level of the fire station. A majority of the project has been completed as of Friday, October 10th. Completed items include:
The project is expected to be completed within the next three to four weeks. This week the floors are being installed!
Date / Time: Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 7:21:00 pm
Location: LCBC Manheim
Municipality: Rapho Township
Six members of Fire Department Mount Joy attended the 2014 Global Leadership Summit - simulcast from Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois - to learn from leaders of business and industry around the world. Keynote speakers included Bill Hybels (Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church), Carly Fiorina (Former CEO, Hewlett-Packard), Jeffrey Immelt (CEO, General Electric) and Louie Giglio (Pastor of Passion City Church & Founder of the Passion movement). Leaders spoke about their experiences in life and business and how Christ has played a vital role in their success. Attendees from area businesses left the 2-day seminar charged with the steps required to be effective leaders in their organizations.
FDMJ also functioned as the Medical Team for the LCBC Manheim Campus for the duration of the event.
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 24th, 2014 6:15:00 am
Location: Harvey's BBQ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 06:15 AM, FDMJ and mutual aid departments were alerted to a reported fire at 304 East Main Street (Harvey's BBQ) in Mount Joy Borough. Responding units were advised of multiple 9-1-1 calls reporting the building to be on fire. Chief 75 arrived to find a large volume of fire on the exterior of the building. Crews quickly applied water to the exterior fire and made entry to the building to extinguish small pockets of fire that extended to the kitchen. All occupants of the upstairs apartment were safely evacuated before emergency units arrived.
The incident is currently under investigation by the State Police Fire Marshall. More information will be released when available.
Date / Time: Mon, Jul 21st, 2014 8:00:00 am
Location: Emmitsburg
Municipality: Maryland
This weekend 4 members attended the Pennsylvania Weekend at the National Fire Academy. They were joined by approximately 300 other firefighters from the state for this education weekend. Members took training in the following classes: Training Operations in Small Departments, Incident Safety Officer, and Methods of Enhancing Safety Education. These members are excited to bring back to knowledge that they learn and implement it into the department.
Saturday evening, the members had the honor to attend a memorial services for the 4 PA firefighters who have lost their lives in the Line of Duty over the past year. The photo was taken at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial with the PA Fire Commissioner, Ed Mann.
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 10th, 2014 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
For over two years, the five-member building committee has worked to put together plan to renovate the fire station. This plan was proposed and approved tonight by the fire department membership. Phase 1 of the process will focus on the Engine Bay as well as some station-wide systems. This will be the first major renovation to the building since it was completed in 1980, over 30 years ago. A brief outline of the construction goals is listed below.
This project is scheduled to begin on September 1 and be completed within 75 days.
Please check back for updates!
Date / Time: Wed, Jun 25th, 2014 12:00:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Fire Department Mount Joy now has an official Facebook page! Please check our website and Facebook page for updates on Fire Prevention, Incidents, News and other important information about department activities.
You can find the page at:
Thank you for your support!
Date / Time: Fri, Jun 6th, 2014 10:40:00 am
Location: 1100 Block Newcomer Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Caller reported to 911 that a golf cart next to a garage caught fire and extented to the garage. Upon arrival, the two car garage was mostly involved in fire and starting to extent to the house. The fire in the garage was knocked down and crews entered the house to check for extention and overhaul.
Fire placed under control at 11:20.
Date / Time: Thu, May 29th, 2014 12:17:00 pm
Location: Rt 283 West Bound near Rt 772
Municipality: Rapho Twp
A automobile and tractor trailer were involved in a crash on Rt 283 just east of Rt 772. The tractor trailer, which was carrying gasoline, came to rest on its side. None of the contents of the trailer leaked but some fuel from the tractor's saddle tanks spilled.
The west bound lane was shut down until the gasoline could be off loaded into another tanker. The off loading started at 17:30 and was complete at 19:07.
Units from Hempfield, Rheems, East Petersburg, Manheim, Pennryn, Mastersonville, Hazmat 2 and Columbia assisted.
Date / Time: Sat, May 24th, 2014 11:28:00 am
Location: 136 Tumblestone Drive
Municipality: Rapho Township
At 11:28 Engine 75-1 and Engine 75-2 were dispatched to 136 Tumblestone Drive for a dumpster fire. Chief 75 went on the scene with smoke showing from the dumpster. Engine 75-1 arrived and deployed the bumper line and extinguished the fire.
Incident complete 11:47
Date / Time: Sat, May 24th, 2014 4:43:00 am
Location: 154 Franklin Road
Municipality: West Hempfield Township
At 4:43 am units were dispatched to 154 Franklin Road for a reported dwelling fire. Police Department arrived shortly after dispatch and confirmed fire on 3 sides of an abandoned house. Truck 75 arrived on scene and was assigned the RIT. Crew members assembled the RIT equipment as well as throwing ground ladders, and removing windows. The truck crew stood by in RIT until command 76 changed the tactics to defensive and RIT was stood down. After master streams knocked down a bulk of the fire, the truck crew was sent to the 2nd floor and the attic for overhaul and final extinguishment.
Truck 75 available 8:20
Date / Time: Mon, May 19th, 2014 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
Tonight, members participated in a review of the Holmatro hydraulic rescue tools carried on Engine 75-2. These tools are designed to provide huge amounts of force to displace or sever parts of vehicles or equipment to free trapped patients. Situations arise in which the great power of these tools must be used with finesse and precision.
The second part of training was a skills challenge to test speed, precision and skill while using these tools. The group was broken down into two person teams. Each team had to navigate through three separate scenarios to get the fastest time.
The team with the best time was the team of Asst. Chief Brandt and Captain Wilber at 1 minute 45 seconds and no penalties. The second place team was Captain Wittle and FF Broome with a time of 2 minutes 50 seconds including one penalty.
Date / Time: Sun, May 18th, 2014 3:45:00 am
Location: 1441 Cloverleaf Road
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
At 03:40, Truck 75 responded as part of the first alarm assignment to 1441 Cloverleaf Road, Mount Joy Township, to assist Rheems Fire Company with a reported residential structure fire with entrapment. Chief 70 and Chief 701 arrived to find fire throughout a two and a half story farm house. Truck 75 was the third arriving unit, second arriving special service, and was positioned in the rear lawn to access the rear of the structure with the aerial ladder. Truck 75 remained on the scene assisting with various duties until 08:15.
Photos to follow as available.
Date / Time: Sat, May 3rd, 2014 8:00:00 am
Location: Harrisburg Area Community College
Municipality: Dauphin County
On Saturday May 3, 2014, five firefighters traveled to Harrisburg Area Community College to participate in Flashover Recognition Training. This is a new program that HACC has introduced in 2014. The course reinforces the stages of fire growth and behavior as well as teaching firefighters the signs of impending flashover from an interior perspective.
Date / Time: Fri, Mar 28th, 2014 3:07:00 pm
Location: Rt 283 at Esbenshade Rd
Municipality: Rapho Township
FDMJ, East Petersburg's Rescue and an Engine from Hempfield FD along with EMS units from SVEMS, Northwest, and Life Lion Medical Helicopter responded to a single vehicle accident on Rt 283 at the Esbenshade Rd Bridge. The vehicle's only occupant was the driver who was trapped for 27 minutes after the arrival of Engine 75-2.
Date / Time: Sun, Mar 9th, 2014 3:00:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Sunday marked the start of daylight savings time. Did you remember to change your smoke detector batteries when turning your clock ahead? If not, do so now! It is also recommended to check your CO detector and replace those batteries as well.
Click HERE for some smoke detector facts and FAQ's.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 26th, 2014 8:02:00 pm
Location: 1379 Iron Bridge Rd
Municipality: Rapho Township
A fire in the roof of a single family dwelling started in the area of a stove pipe. A passer by noticed the fire and call 911 as well as alterting the dwelling's occupants. Fire was contained to the attic and roof area. Cause is undetermine and being investigated. Fire placed under control at 20:34.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 26th, 2014 7:50:00 am
Location: Route 283 West near North Strickler Road
Municipality: Rapho Township
At approx. 07:50 AM, FDMJ was dispatched for a vehicle accident with entrapment on Route 283 West near North Strickler Road. Ten minutes before, Rheems and Elizabethtown Fire Departments were dispatched for a similar incident on Route 283 near Schwanger Road. Engine 702 (Rheems) and Engine 74-1 (Elizabethtown) were redirected from that incident to respond to the scene. Medic 77-3 arrived shortly after dispatch and confirmed that the driver was trapped in the vehicle which had rolled down the the graded bank on the right side of the highway. Engine 702 arrived and established Command while starting the extrication. Chief 75-1 arrived and assumed Command 75 while Engine 75-2 and Engine 74-1 assisted with stabilizing the vehicle and extricating the driver. The driver was freed from the vehicle and in care of EMS within 20 minutes of the Fire Department arriving.
Date / Time: Mon, Feb 24th, 2014 6:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Tonight, FDMJ members continued training on the Rescue Kits that have been issued. The kits contain rope and equipment that fits in a pants' pocket which can be used in a multitude of ways, not limited to: Firefighter Personal Escape Rope, lowering and raising equipment, tie offs for safety while working near edges, Rescue of Downed Firefighters, Rescue of Civilians, etc. Members who were not issued the kits were provided basic training on how the escape system works and practiced a "bailout" in turnout gear. Members who were issued the kits prior to this evening were given further instruction and practice in additional uses of the kits and practiced "bailouts" while in full structural PPE.
The blue rope you see in the photos is a precautionary safety line.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 19th, 2014 6:48:00 pm
Location: Snap Fitness
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
On 02/19/14 at 18:48, FDMJ and surrounding units were dispatched to 763 East Main Street (Snap Fitness) for a reported Structure Fire. Chief 75-1 responded and was advised that there was smoke coming from the HVAC ducts. Chief 75-1 arrived to find the building evacuated and a burning smell inside. Engine 75-1 secured a water source and went inside to investigate with Chief 79-3. Truck 75 positioned to the rear and went to the roof to check the roof-top HVAC units. Crews found a problem with a roof-top HVAC unit and secured power to the unit. After approx. 45 minutes all units cleared the scene.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 5th, 2014 6:58:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Multiple
Starting late Tuesday evening, a severe winter storm passed through the Central PA Region. Lasting into the Wednesday Morning Rush Hour, this storm brought over 1/4 inches of ice that crippled trees and power lines in the Mount Joy area. During this time, FDMJ responded to a total of 12 incidents including: wires/utilities responses, electrical system malfunctions, carbon monoxide incidents due to portable generators, public service calls and reported fires. Over 25 different members responded to calls during this time.
Date / Time: Fri, Jan 31st, 2014 12:00:00 am
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
The first month of 2014 has concluded with a dramatic increase in responses. Calls totaled 82 for January, the busiest month ever for FDMJ, with the exception of the flooding of 2011. FDMJ was alerted for an incident on an average of every 9 hours and 43 minutes. That led to 218.11 man hours on incidents, not including over 160 hours of training.
Incident Breakdown:
Date / Time: Wed, Jan 29th, 2014 6:00:00 pm
Location: Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center
Municipality: East Hempfield
Wednesday night, a local Cub Scout Troop met with Fire Prevention Coordinator Matt Kratz and Firefighter Scott Adams, at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center, to talk about proper and safe use of fire extinguishers. While there, Scouts were given a brief talk about using a fire extinguisher, followed by a hands-on demonstration with fire extinguishers.
Date / Time: Wed, Jan 29th, 2014 8:00:00 am
Location: Multiple
Municipality: Marietta Borough & Mount Joy Township
At 08:30 PM, Truck 75 was dispatched to 589 East Market Street, Marietta Borough, for a reported residential structure fire. Truck 75 responded with 6 personnel. First arriving crews found a small fire in the second floor of the apartment building. Truck 75 crew went to manpower staging for a short time before being released.
At 3:49 AM, Truck 75 was again dispatched, this time to 1708 Ridge Road, Mount Joy Township, for a structure fire. Truck 75 responded with 5 personnel. First arriving crews from Elizabethtown Fire Department found an approx. 20 x 30 equipment barn fully involved in flame. Truck 75 was directed to the second entrance to set up if a second aerial master stream was needed. This was not needed and Truck 75 was released soon after.
Date / Time: Sun, Jan 26th, 2014 4:36:00 am
Location: 106 Wickersham Road
Municipality: Conoy Township
At 4:36 AM, Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched to assist Bainbridge Fire Company with a reported residential structure fire at 106 Wickersham Road. Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 responded with 10 personnel. First arriving units controlled a small smoldering fire in the garage. Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 went into staging for a short time before being released.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 23rd, 2014 6:45:00 am
Location: 713 West Main Street
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 06:44 AM, FDMJ and surrounding departments were dispatched for a reported Dwelling Fire at 713 West Main Street. Chief 75-1 arrived to find fire showing from two windows of the second floor, with Mount Joy Borough Police confirming everyone was out of the home. Chief 75-2 arrived and established Command. The fire rapidly progressed until the arrival of Engine 75-1 , which arrived three minutes after the Chiefs. Engine 75-1 utilized the deck gun to knock down the fire from the exterior while stretching a hand line to the front door. Various crews assisted with advancing four total hose lines into, and around the dwelling in an effort to control the fire which had spread to the attic area. A second alarm was requested for extra manpower. Fire was under control within an hour and a half. One cat was found and rescued.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 18th, 2014 12:36:00 am
Location: Marietta Avenue at Richland Lane
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 12:36 AM, FDMJ was alerted for a vehicle accident with injuries at the intersection of Marietta Avenue and Richland Lane. Chief 75-1 arrived to find one vehicle into a utility pole with one occupant of the vehicle injured. Engine 75-2 and Engine 75-1 arrived, assisted EMS with patient care and checked for hazards. Fire Police from Marietta and Hempfield assisted with traffic control. The roadway was closed for approx. three hours until PPL utilities could address the damaged utility pole.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 9th, 2014 7:08:00 pm
Location: 111 New Haven St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
FDMJ 2014 Fire Ground and Administrative officers were sworn in by Mayor Timothy Bradley at the regular monthly meeting in January.
Fire Chief - Bill Hall
Deputy Chief - Terry Bradley
Assistant Chief 1 (Training) - Mason Brandt
Assistant Chief 2 (Planning) - Tyler Prickett
Assistant Chief 3 (Safety) - Erik Henry
Captain 1 (Operations) - John Wilber
Captain 2 (Quartermaster) - Andy Wittle
Lieutenant 1 (Engine) - William "Bubba" Smith
Lieutenant 2 (Rescue) - Bob Purcell
Lieutenant 3 (Truck) - Jason Stiltner
Chief Engineer - Jim Zink
Captain of Fire Police - John Brenizer
Lieutenant of Fire Police - Barry Heberling
President - Bob Purcell
Vice President - Jim Johns
Secretary - Matt Kratz
Trustees - Bob Lutz, Phil Colvin, Matt Gohn
Chaplain - Jim Carr
Date / Time: Tue, Jan 7th, 2014 11:00:00 pm
Location: Various
Municipality: Various
With below freezing temperatures and two winter weather events, FDMJ has had a very busy first week of January. The department has responded to a total of 22 incidents in 7 days including:
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 4th, 2014 6:22:00 am
Location: 1st-Blk N Esbenshade Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Station 75 and Tanker 69 dispatched for a chimney fire. First arriving units found a working fire in the walls and the box was upgraded to a dwelling fire. Engine 75-1 deployed a hand line to the first floor and started to open up the walls. Truck 75 laddered the house and opend up the walls and ceilings on the first and second floors to expose the fire. Engine 75-2 deployed a hand line to the second floor. The fire was extinguished by the units from 75. R23 was assigned RIT and the remaining units staged until released by command. The incident was placed under control at 07:19 and cleared at 08:10. A family of 5 was displaced by the fire.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E26-1, L75, L23, R23, R79-1, T27, T26, T76, TRF75, Command - Chief 75
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 4th, 2013 6:12:00 am
Location: 800-Blk Anderson Ferry Rd
Municipality: East Donegal Twp
Station 75 and mutal aid companies disapatched to a barn fire. Multiple callers were reporting flames showing from the end of the barn. Units arrived and found a vent fan that was on fire with some extension into the barn. After extinguishing the fire and checking for extension the incident was placed under control at 06:47. The incident was downgraded and then cleared at 07:36. About 20 minutes later Station 75 responded back for smoke in the barn. It was confirmed the smoke was just residual smoke remaining from the orginal fire and the incident was cleared.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E79-2, R79-1, R804, L75, TL74, T10, T79, T70, S75-1, TRF75, TRF74, Command - Chief 75-3.
Date / Time: Tue, Jul 2nd, 2013 10:34:00 am
Location: 55 Maibach Lane
Municipality: Rapho Twp
At 10:34 FDMJ was dispatched to a propane tank fire at the Lancaster Propane facility on Maibach Lane. Chief 75-3 arrived with a working fire near several rail road cars and requested additional alarms. First two arriving Engines and Trucks established master streams to cool the exposed tanker cars. Hazmat personnel were able to safely close the vapor and liquid valves on exposed cars greatly reducing the volume of fire. Exposed cars were then moved away from the fire at the unloading rack and the residual fire was left to burn. Early in the incident the product was determined to be un-oderized butane.
The immediate area was evacuated and a portion of Rt 230 was closed.
On July 3rd FDMJ responded back to the scene, and working with facility personnel, extinguished the remaining fire and the line was blocked and sealed.
Cause remains undetermined.
Date / Time: Mon, Jul 1st, 2013 3:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Truck 75 which has been out of service for approximately two months for aerial repairs has finally returned and is back in service. Truck 75 missed many calls both first due and mutual aid and is eager to see some action again. Look for it on a call near you!
Date / Time: Fri, Jun 28th, 2013 6:29:00 am
Location: 500 Block of Longenecker RD
Municipality: Rapho Township
At 6:29 this morning Rescue Engine 75-2 was dispatched to the 500 block of Longenecker road for a vehicle accident stand-by. Chief 75-1 arrived to find one car upside down in the creek with no occupants. The engine crew arrived and checked for hazards and stood by till the vehicle was removed from the creek.
Incident complete 7:57
Date / Time: Thu, Jun 27th, 2013 8:37:00 am
Location: 2300-Blk Mount Joy Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Engine 75-1 responded to a vehicle fire. Dispatched by LCWC, the initial information was a vehicle with an engine compartment fire. Chief 75-1 arrived to find a fully involved pick up truck. RE75-2 arrived and extinguished the fire with one 1 3/4 hand line. The incident was placed under control at 08:52 and cleared at 09:13.
Date / Time: Sat, Jun 15th, 2013 4:55:00 am
Location: 1700 Crestwyck Cir
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched for a report of smoke inside a structure. The caller reported smoke in the living room and garage. Deputy 75 arrived with nothing showing and established Command. Units investigated and found a mulch fire that had spread to the exterior wall of the building. The fire was quickly extinguished and the incident was placed under control at 05:27 and cleared at 05:39.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E69-1, TL26, TL74, R79-1, AMB7-7-23, Deputy 75.
Date / Time: Wed, May 29th, 2013 9:42:00 am
Location: 1st-Blk E Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Engine 75-1, Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Truck 74 were dispatched for a gas leak in the street. A construction crew accidently struck a line while digging. Engine 75-1 arrived and reported an active leak from the main line. Crews from E75-1 and T74 checked 7 structures near the leak with gas monitors to make sure no gas had seeped back inside. E Main St was shut down between Market St and Marietta Ave until UGI arrived and controlled the leak. Chief 75-3 had command. The incident was cleared at 10:41.
Date / Time: Sun, May 26th, 2013 2:37:00 am
Location: 75 First Due
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Sunday started off at 02:37 with Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Engine 75-1 being dispatched to a Class 1 auto accident at Milton Grove Rd and Route 283 in Rapho Twp. Both engines were recalled after the correct location was found to be on Breneman Rd in Co 27's first due area. At 11:11, Resue-Engine 75-2 was dispatched to Birch Ln in Rapho Twp for a cardiac arrest. RE75-2 and Chief 75-2 assisted EMS as needed and cleared the scene at 11:33. The Outside Investigation in the 200-blk Marietta Ave Mount Joy Borough was dispatched at 15:13 and was quickly upgraded to a dwelling fire box. The caller reported smoke coming from an exterior wall of a house. Deputy 75 arrived with nothing showing. Both 75 engines investigated and found the problem to be an electrical issue. The box was downgraded to Co. 75 only and cleared at 16:00. Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Engine 75-1 were dispatched to another Class 1 auto accident in the 300-Blk W Main St Mount Joy Borough at 18:40. Deputy 75 arrived and held the box to EMS only, no FD services needed. Last, at 20:17, Station 75 and Truck 26 were dispatched to an outside investigation in the 1100-Blk Willow Creek Dr Rapho Twp. Deputy 75 and E75-1 found a couple controlled burns in the area, RE75-2 and T26 were recalled. Incident cleared at 20:37.
Date / Time: Sat, May 25th, 2013 2:00:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
On Saturday May 25th, Station 75 participated in the annual Mount Joy Memorial Day Parade. This year the fire department did things a little different and had some past and present members who served in the Armed Forces lead the fire apparatus. FDMJ would like to thank the following for their service to the country and the community of Mount Joy. Craig Welcomer - United States Navy, Frank Good - United States Air Force, Brett Hamm - United States Marine Corps, Todd Kirkpatrick - United States Air Force, Gerry Kirkpatrick - United States Navy, Paul Clark - United States Navy, Brian Henry - United States Army, Steve Hammonds - United States Marine Corps, Shane Thome - United States Army. In addition we thank all of the men and women, veterans and currents members of the military for their dedication, sacrifices and service to our country.
Date / Time: Thu, Apr 11th, 2013 1:29:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Jay Rodney "Pete" Ney, 77, of Mount Joy passed away at his home, surrounded by his family, on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. He was the husband of Fern Nester Ney for 54 years.
Pete retired in 1997 from Drohan Brick and Supply, Inc. of Mount Joy after 42 years of service where he began as a truck driver and then worked in the showroom as a salesman. Previously he worked with his father at the former Ney's Texaco Service Station in Florin. A member of Glossbrenner United Methodist Church, Pete served as an usher and trustee for many years. He was a 1954 graduate of the former East Donegal Township High School and served his country from 1959 until 1961in the U.S. Army. An active member of the former Florin Fire Co., Pete drove the engines, served as chief engineer, financial secretary, treasurer, trustee, and helped with the carnivals. A Phillies and NASCAR fan, he enjoyed hunting in Berks Co. with his son, Tracy. Pete relished the love and happiness that came with spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren.
Born in Florin, he was the son of the late Martin L. and Carrie M. Mumper Ney. In addition to his wife, Pete will be dearly missed by his children, Erin, wife of Jeffrey Sacks of Sellersville, Cheri, wife of James Garrett of Mount Joy, and Tracy, husband of Tammy Chalfant Ney of Mesa, AZ; seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter; and a brother, Gerald, husband of Karleen Raffensperger Ney of Mount Joy. He was preceded in death by three sisters, Marianna Heisey, Velma Coker, Lois Bringman, and a brother, Marlin Ney.
A Funeral Service honoring Pete's life will be held at the Sheetz Funeral Home, 16 E. Main St., Mount Joy on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 11am. Friends may visit with the family at the Funeral Home from 9:30 until 11am. Interment to follow in Camp Hill Cemetery, Mount Joy. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Pete's name may be made to Glossbrenner U.M. Church, 713 Church St., Mount Joy, PA 17552 or to Hospice and Community Care, P.O. Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17608-4125. Online condolences to
Date / Time: Tue, Apr 2nd, 2013 7:15:00 pm
Location: 200 Chocolate Ave st Cargill
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched for an automatic fire alarm. Deputy 75 arrived with a moderate smoke condition and found an abnormal amount of smoke from a stack on the C side of the building. Plant personnel advised there was a fire in a roaster inside the building. The incident was then upgraded to a building fire. Companies worked for a couple hours extinguishing the labor intensive fires inside the roaster and ducting. The incident was downgraded at one point as all the fire was thought to have been exinguished, however fire was found in another part of the ducts and units were called back to the scene again. The incident was cleared at 00:41.
FDMJ would like to thank the Rheems, Elizabethtown, Maytown, Columbia #4 Fire Depts. and Susquehanna Valley EMS for all their efforts during this incident. Also thank you to Hempfiled FD, Engine 69-1 for standing by in Station 75 during the incident.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R804, TRF75, TRF74, Deputy 75-Command.
Date / Time: Thu, Mar 28th, 2013 6:05:00 pm
Location: 100 Block Vinegar Ferry Rd
Municipality: East Donegal Township
Truck 75 assisted Station 79 at a single family dwelling fire. Originally dispatched as an out building and upgraded to a dwelling, Chief 79 arrived with a working fire. The majority of the fire was in the attic space of the dwelling. Truck 75 cleared the scene at 20:52.
Date / Time: Wed, Mar 13th, 2013 7:25:00 pm
Location: 1700 Block Schwanger Rd
Municipality: Mount Joy Township
Shortly after clearing the house fire on Birchland Ave, LCWC dispatched another first due house fire assignment for an odor of smoke in a basement. Units arrived with nothing showing. Investigating crews found a malfunctioning thermostat. The incident was downgraded and cleared at 19:53.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R804, T70, T27, T10, TRF75, TRF74, Command - Deputy 75.
Date / Time: Wed, Mar 13th, 2013 5:18:00 pm
Location: 200-Blk Birchland Ave
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched for a reported house fire. LCWC was recieving multiple calls reporting the front porch of a house on fire. Deputy 75 and Engine 75-1 arrived simulteanously and confirmed a working fire on the porch. Engine 75-1 made a quick attack on the fire but it had already extended into the second floor/attic area. The ceilings in the attic were opened up to exintguish the remaining fire. The incident was placed undery control at 17:54.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R804, TRF74, Command - Deputy 75.
Date / Time: Sun, Mar 10th, 2013 12:00:00 am
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy
As daylight saving time begins, FDMJ would like to remind everyone to change the batteries in your smoke and CO detectors. Remember, when you change your clocks change your batteries! Stay safe all!
Date / Time: Tue, Mar 5th, 2013 2:30:00 am
Location: 600-Blk Cassell Rd
Municipality: Mount Joy Twp
Truck 75 was dispatched to cover Truck 74 which was OOS for a mechanical issue. The caller reported the house was on fire and occupants still inside. PD arrived and confirmed all occupants were out of the house and accounted for. Engine 74-2 and Chief 74-3 arrived with a working fire. Truck 74 was fixed just prior to dispatch and did respond to the incident making Truck 75 the 3rd due truck co. Truck 75's crew of 5 stood by in manpower staging until released at 03:37.
Date / Time: Fri, Mar 1st, 2013 3:04:00 pm
Location: 200-Blk Marietta Ave
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid departments were dispatched for a reported basement fire. The caller reported an explosion and smoke in the basement. Chief 75-3 arrived with smoke showing from side B and confirmed a fire in the basement. Engine 75-1 laid a supply line from a hydrant into the scene and stretched an attack line to the basement. A small fire was encountered inside and was extinquished quickly. The incident was placed under control at 15:26 and cleared at 16:21.
Units - E75-1, RE75-2, E701, R79-1, R804, TL74, L801, Command 75 - Chief 75-3 (Hall)
Date / Time: Thu, Feb 7th, 2013 7:58:00 pm
Location: 2000-Blk Meadow Rd
Municipality: West Donegal Twp
Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 were dispatched on the first alarm assignment with Co. 70 for an odor of smoke and a haze in the basement. Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 both responded with crews of 6. Chief 70 arrived and confirmed the callers report. Engine 701 and Truck 75 investigated and found an electrical problem. The incident was downgraded and then cleared at 20:20.
Date / Time: Wed, Feb 6th, 2013 4:00:00 pm
Location: LCWC
Municipality: Lancaster County
Lancaster County Wide Communications has released their annual year end reports which can be found here. For 2012 FDMJ had 608 calls. Engine 75-1 was the 4th busiest ALL VOLUNTEER Engine Co. in the county with 271 dispatches. Rescue-Engine 75-2 had 157 dispatches as an Engine Co and 81 dispatches as a Rescue Co. Truck 75 had 252 dispatches making it the 2nd busiest all volunteer Truck Co. in the county.
Date / Time: Fri, Jan 25th, 2013 4:42:00 pm
Location: S Esbenshade Rd / Rt 230
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Station 75 and EMS dispatched were dispatched for a vehicle accident with injuries involving a school bus and passenger car. PD arrived and advised the two occupants of the sedan were trapped with serious injuries. The driver was extricated from the vehicle in 9 minutes and the passenger in 26 minutes after arriving. There were no students on the bus and the driver was not injured. The incident was cleared at 17:35 with the exception of the Traffic Units which assisted PD until 18:32.
Units: RE75-2, E69-1, RE702, M7-4-9, M2-13-2, TRF75, TRF69, Command - Chief 75-1, Extrication Supervisor - Chief 75-3.
Date / Time: Tue, Jan 15th, 2013 5:30:00 pm
Location: 300-Blk W Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and EMS were dispatched for a 2 vehicle accident in the area of the Turkey Hill. Chief 75 arrived and found a minor accident in the parking lot with no injuries. The incident was held to Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Traffic 75. Incident completed at 17:57
Date / Time: Tue, Jan 15th, 2013 6:37:00 am
Location: 1st-Blk of E Main St and Cornerstone Dr
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
At 06:37 Rescue-Engine 75-2 was dispatched to the area of 76 E Main St for a pedestrian struck. Two minutes later Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched to the automatic fire alarm on the 1000-Blk of Cornerstone Dr. RE75-2 and Chief 75 responded to the E Main St incident and found no FD services were needed. Both units redirected to the AFA with E75-1 and Truck 75. The alarm was false and the incident was cleared at 07:00.
Date / Time: Sat, Jan 12th, 2013 12:31:00 am
Location: Milton Grove Rd / Back Run Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Station 75 and EMS dispatched for an overturned vehicle. Chief 75-2 arrived and found one vehicle on its side with everyone out. FD services were not needed and both engines were placed available shortly after arriving. Traffic 75 remained on the scene to assist PD. Incident cleared at 01:40.
Date / Time: Thu, Jan 10th, 2013 7:00:00 pm
Location: FDMJ
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Tonight at the monthly FDMJ company meeting the new officers for 2013 were sworn in to duty. Click here to see the list of officers. Congratulations to all.
Date / Time: Mon, Jan 7th, 2013 10:46:00 am
Location: 200-Blk E Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and EMS dispatched for a two vehicle accident. Rescue-Engine 75-2(Lt Brandt) arrived to find a vehicle that had rear ended a parked vehicle. EMS was already on the scene and treating the patient. The FD took care of some fluids and debris on the roadway and cleared the scene. Traffic 75 remained on the scene to assist PD until 11:39.
Date / Time: Sun, Jan 6th, 2013 10:46:00 pm
Location: 100-Blk E Willow St
Municipality: Elizabethtown Borough
Truck 75 was dispatched on the 74 box alarm for a reported house fire. The caller reported an electrical outlet on fire. Units from 74 arrived and found the fire out. The incident was held to Station 74, Truck 75 placed available at 22:58.
Date / Time: Tue, Jan 1st, 2013 3:44:00 am
Location: Middletown - Station 88
Municipality: Middletown Borough, Dauphin County
Just shy of 4 hours into the new year, Station 75 was dispatched to its first call for 2013. RE75-2 transferred to Station 88 in Middletown while they were working a two alarm fire. With a crew of 6, RE75-2 was at Station 88 for almost 4 hours. No calls were handled during the transfer and it was cleared at 07:38.
Date / Time: Mon, Dec 31st, 2012 7:49:00 pm
Location: Harvestview North
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid companies dispatched for a reported building fire. Chief 75-3 was advised by LCWC the caller was reporting a fire in the oven. Chief 75-3 arrived with nothing showing and after investigating found the fire to be out. The incident was downgraded to Engine 75-1 only. Units available from the scene at 20:06. This was the last call for 2012.
Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R804, TRF75, Chief 75-3.
Date / Time: Mon, Dec 31st, 2012 4:19:00 pm
Location: Donegal Springs Rd / Nissley Rd
Municipality: East Donegal Twp
Station 75 and Rescue 79-1 were dispatched for a vehicle accident with reported entrapment. Chief 75-3 arrived to find a two vehicle, head on collision with occupants still in the vehicles and established Command 75. Rescue-Engine 75-2 arrived and assessed the passenger car, Rescue 79-1 arrived and assessed the pick up truck. It was determined the drivers door on the pick up would need to be removed for better access to the patient. After removing the door crews assisted EMS and controlled hazards as needed. FD units cleared the scene at 17:02, Traffic 75 remained until 17:43.
Date / Time: Fri, Dec 14th, 2012 10:13:00 pm
Location: 100-Blk Fairview Ave
Municipality: Marietta Borough
This evening Truck 75 was dispatched on the 10 Box for a reported house fire. LCWC advised they recieved a couple calls reporting the house to be on fire and smoke coming from the house. Deputy 10 arrived and reported a working fire. Shortly after the "Working Fire" assignment was dispatched bringing Engine 75-1 to the scene. Truck 75 responded with a crew of 5 and assisted with ventilation after arriving. Engine 75-1 responded with a crew of 6 and staged for a little before being released. Truck 75 remained on the scene with Co. 10 until 00:23 assisting with lighting.
Date / Time: Tue, Dec 4th, 2012 2:15:00 am
Location: W 283 Rt / Strickler Rd Overpass
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Station 75, Rescue 23 and EMS were dispatched to a one vehicle accident with reported entrapment. County advised Chief 75 of two patients with serious injuries and one to be trapped. Fire units arrived and went to work assisting EMS and extricating one patient. Sadly the other patient succumbed to injuries at the scene. The incident was then held to Rescue-Engine 75-2 and fire police to assist the PD. The incident was cleared at 07:21.
Units: RE75-2, E75-1, R23, TRF75, TRF69, SQ23-2, FP26, FP70, Chief 75.
Date / Time: Thu, Nov 8th, 2012 2:43:00 pm
Location: 4800-Blk Marietta Ave
Municipality: East Donegal Twp
Truck 75, staffed with 4, responded on the first alarm dwelling fire assignment in Station 79's first due area. PD arrived first and reported a working fire. Engine 79-2 found a working fire in the basement. Command 79 assigned Truck 75 ventilation. Due to deteriorating conditions Command ordered an evacuation of the house and exterior operations only. Truck 75 was later assigned to overhaul the attic from the roof. After operating on the scene for a little over 4 hours Truck 75 cleared at 19:22.
Date / Time: Sun, Nov 4th, 2012 2:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: USA
Today marks the end of daylight savings time. As you turn your clocks back please remember to test your smoke detectors and change the batteries. More information on smoke detectors can be found by clicking here.
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 3rd, 2012 3:34:00 pm
Location: Rt. 772/Cove Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
15:34, RE75-2, E75-1, TRF75, Chief 75-1 and EMS responded to a Class 1 vehicle accident at Rt 772 and Cove Rd in Rapho Twp. Chief 75-1 arrived to find a two vehicle rear end collision with 3 patients. RE75-2 and E75-1 assisted EMS with patient care and helped clean up some debris and fluids on the roadway. The incident was cleared at 16:16.
18:07, RE75-2, E75-1, TRF75 and EMS responded to the 1000-Blk W Main St Mount Joy Borough for a vehicle accident with entrapment. RE75-2 arrived and found one vehicle involved in a hit and run collision with two patients and one confined. Both patients were extricated from the vehicle within 12 minutes. Fire police remained on the scene until 19:13.
21:36, The house fire assignment was dispatched to the 1000-Blk Anderson Ferry Rd East Donegal Twp. County advised the homeowner was reporting a chimney fire and believed it had extended into the walls. Chief 75-1 arrived and confirmed a small fire in the wall around the chimney. E75-1 laid a supply line into the scene and stretched a hand line to the interior. E79-2 stretched another hand line from E75-1 to exterior side D and extinguished the small fire after the wall was opened up by L75. R79-1 was assigned to be the RIT. The remaining units staged until it was confirmed there was no further fire extension and the incident was downgraded to Station 75 and E79-2. The incident was cleared at 22:47. Units: E75-1(Staffing 4 +2 Jrs), RE75-2(Staffing 5), E79-2, L75(Staffing 5), TL74, R79-1, R23, TRF75, TRF74, EMS 7-4, Chief 75, Chief 75-1(Command).
Date / Time: Sat, Nov 3rd, 2012 9:00:00 am
Location: MJBSA Joy Ave Lift Station
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
This morning FDMJ and Maytown EDFD members got a chance to work together and continued more confined space training with a small drill held at one of the Sewer Authoritie's lift stations. Led by FF/Instructor Colvin the crews set up two different vertical haul system scenarios using the tri-pod and then rigging to other anchor points. Personnel from both departments practiced refining their rigging skills and also got to use some newer equipment such as the MPD's and Aztec kits. The training was completed at 12:00. Units: RE75-2, L75, R79-1.
Date / Time: Thu, Nov 1st, 2012 7:56:00 am
Location: 600-Blk W Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid companies dispatched for an apartment building fire. County advised the caller was reporting the furnace on fire and smoke coming from the basement. Engine 75-1 found a malfunctioning furnace. Chief 75 downgraded the incident to E75-1 and L75. The incident was cleared at 08:23. Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76, TRF75, EMS.
Date / Time: Wed, Oct 31st, 2012 8:30:00 am
Location: South Central PA
Municipality: Mount Joy
While some remnants of Sandy are lingering around the brunt of the storm has passed. The impact of the storm was minimal in the Mount Joy area. The volunteers from FDMJ staffed the firehouse from Monday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon. The Mount Joy Borough EMA also set up the EOC at the firehouse during this time. Only three calls were received in this time period, two flooded basements and an odor of smoke in a building. Thank you to everyone that helped see this event through. While the impact wasn't much around here, other's, especially NJ and NYC did receive devastating damages, please keep them in your thoughts.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 30th, 2012 5:39:00 pm
Location: 600-Blk Bernhard Ave
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid companies dispatched to the reported dwelling fire. County advised the caller had a smoke condition in the basement and could not find the source. Chief 75-1 arrived with nothing showing from the exterior and found a light smoke condition in the basement with an electrical odor. E75-1 and L75 found the source to be a malfunctioning dehumidifier. The incident was downgraded to Station 75 and cleared at 18:14. Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76, TRF75, TRF74 and EMS.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 23rd, 2012 9:09:00 pm
Location: 500-Blk W Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Units were dispatched for a reported porch fire. PD and Chief 75-3 arrived to find cooking on a grill. The box was recalled. Units: E75-1, E701, L75, R79-1.
Date / Time: Mon, Oct 22nd, 2012 11:07:00 am
Location: Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
The day started at 11:07 with the the commercial building fire being dispatched in 200-Blk W Main St Mount Joy Borough. The additional information advised there was an odor of something burning and smoke coming from the warehouse. E75-1 arrived and confirmed there was no fire, just construction workers making dust from sanding. The box was then recalled at 11:20. Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, L801, R79-1, R76, EMS.
The next fire was dispatched at 18:21 to the 200-Blk of E Main St in Mount Joy Borough. County advised a neighbor was reporting the back of a house on fire. Engine 75-1 arrived with nothing showing from side A and found a small fire under the back porch. The response was held to Station 75 and control was marked at 18:38. Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, RE702, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76, TRF74, EMS.
While units were clearing from the E Main St incident County dispatched another house fire in the 400-Blk of Birchland Ave in Mount Joy Borough. Both of the 70 Engines were right around the corner returning from the E Main St call and arrived to find light smoke showing from side A. A small fire was found on the stove and was quickly extinquished. Overhaul was started and the incident was then held to Station 75. The incident was cleared at 19:52. Units: E75-1, RE75-2, E701, RE702, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76, EMS.
Date / Time: Mon, Oct 22nd, 2012 9:28:00 am
Location: Fire Department Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
On Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21, seven members from FDMJ and four members from Susquehanna Fire & Rescue participated in a 16-hour Confined Space Rescue (Operations Level) class held at Station 75, 111 New Haven Street, Mount Joy. The class was instructed by D. Randy Padfield and covered a wide range of scenarios including vertical and horizontal extrication from a confined space. Participants reviewed the use of a remote air source, communications & ventilation systems as well an an extensive review of technical rescue haul and lower systems.
Date / Time: Fri, Oct 12th, 2012 12:00:00 pm
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
Over the past week FDMJ members were kept busy conducting fire prevention presentations at various schools and day cares in the first due area. Approximately 900 students and children attended the presentations. Crews were encouraged by the amount of information students retained from previous years presentations. FDMJ would like to thank everyone including parents, students and teachers for the role they play in fire safety. Please remember to keep practicing fire safety and prevention through out the year. More fire prevention information and safety tips can be found by clicking here.
Date / Time: Thu, Oct 11th, 2012 8:28:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Mount Joy
10-11-12 started off with Squad 75 responding to a cardiac arrest on Harvestview N in Mount Joy Borough. Squad 75 assisted EMS as necessary and cleared at 09:08. At 11:12, Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched to the 1000-Blk of Cornerstone Dr in Mount Joy Borough for an automatic fire alarm. Upon responding, Chief 75 was advised the alarm was now reported to be false and he held the units in quarters. Chief 75 confirmed the false alarm and cleared the incident at 11:19. In the afternoon at 13:34, Rescue-Engine 75-2, Squad 75 and Chief 75 responded to another cardiac arrest on Fairview Rd in Mount Joy Twp. Units assisted EMS as needed and cleared the scene at 13:47. That evening, at 17:39, Rescue-Engine 75-2, Engine 75-1 and Chief 75 responded to an auto accident with injuries at Springville Rd and Birchland Ave in Mount Joy Borough. The accident scene was cleared at 17:54. Finally, at 21:12, Traffic 75 was dispatched to assist Station 27 with an auto accident in the 3500-Blk of Meadow View Rd in Rapho Twp. Fire police assisted as needed until the scene was cleared at 22:07.
Date / Time: Tue, Oct 9th, 2012 6:12:00 am
Location: 100-Blk W Rissermill Rd
Municipality: Mount Joy Twp
Station 75 and mutual aid companies were dispatched for a "Barn Fire". Chief 75-2 arrived to find smoke showing from a feed/grain bin, not a barn fire. The incident was downgraded to units from 75, Tanker 70 and Tanker 27 who stood by while the farmers unloaded some of the product from the bin. The incident was cleared at 08:02. Later that afternoon at 14:49, Engine 75-1, Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Tanker 70 were dispatched and responded back to the scene after the farmers reported the product was starting to smolder again. The units stood by until the bin was emptied and cleared at 20:09.
Units (Original Dispatch): E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76, T70, T27, T10, Chief 75.
Date / Time: Fri, Sep 28th, 2012 9:44:00 pm
Location: 301 Manheim St @ Mount Joy Borough Park
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and Engine 701 were dispatched to the area of the Mount Joy Borough Park for an unknown type fire. LCWC advised Captain 75-1 they were recieving multiple calls reporting an explosion, something on fire in the park and reports of burn victims. MJPD arrived and confirmed a working fire in the Kids Joyland section of the park. Captain 75-1 established Command 75. Engine 75-1 arrived, nosed into a hydrant on Barbara St across from the park and deployed one 1 3/4" handline which quickly brought the fire under control. Truck 75 assisted Engine 75-1 on the scene. Rescue-Engine 75-2 and E702 located the two burn victims a couple blocks away and assisted EMS with patient care until they were transported to the local hospital. Command held the incident to Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 to assist PD with the investigation. The incident was cleared at 23:14. Update 9/29: The PSP Fire Marshall has determined the fire was arson and both of the burn victims have been admitted to burn centers, one is in critical condition.
While wrapping up the fire at the park a vehicle accident with entrapment was dispatched in the area of the Donegal Jr High, Anderson Ferry Rd in East Donegal Twp. Engine 75-1, Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Truck 75 all responded to the reported vehicle rollover with one trapped. Co 79 units were also dispatched along with 75 and found the accident to be well into their first due at 772/Rock Point Rd. They confirmed no entrapment and held the response to 79 units.
Earlier in the day Truck 75 responded to Longwood Manor Nursing Home in Co 79's first due for a reported building fire. The incident was quickly downgraded and the Truck was recalled by Command.
Date / Time: Thu, Sep 27th, 2012 10:27:00 am
Location: Assist to Co. 67 & 70
Municipality: East Hempfield & West Donegal Twp
At 10:27 Truck 75 was dispatched on the first alarm assignment in Co 67's first due for a reported building fire across the BJ's Wholesale Club on Centerville Rd in East Hempfield Twp. Truck 75 responded and was quickly recalled after E67-1 determined the incident to be unfounded.
Later in the evening as storms came through the area Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 were dispatched on the first alarm dwelling assignment on Brian Ave, West Donegal Twp in Co. 70's first due. LCWC advised Deputy 70 the caller reported their house was struck by lightning. Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 arrived and staged for a few minutes until being released by Command 70.
Date / Time: Wed, Sep 26th, 2012 5:33:00 am
Location: 1500-Blk Harrisburg Ave
Municipality: Mount Joy Twp
Truck 75 and Engine 75-1 were dispatched on the first alarm house fire assignment on Harrisburg Ave in 70's first due. Deputy 70 arrived with a light smoke condition inside. Truck 75 assisted E701 and E75-1 staged. After determining the source the incident was held to E701 and Truck 75. E75-1 availabe at 05:59, Truck 75 at 06:14.
At 07:03 Station 75 and Rescue 26 were dispatched to Shellyland Rd and 772 Rt in Rapho Twp for an overturned tractor trailer. Chief 75 was advised by LCWC only the trailer portion of the rig overturned. Chief 75 arrived and determined there was no need for FD services, the incident was cleared at 07:15.
Date / Time: Mon, Sep 24th, 2012 11:51:00 am
Location: W Main St/Springville Rd
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Rescue-Engines 75-2 and 702 dispatched to a reported vehicle accident with entrapment. LCWC recieved calls for a two vehicle accident with one person trapped. A firefighter passing by confirmed no entrapment and one patient with a facial injury. RE75-2 arrived and recalled RE702. After assisting EMS and PD on the scene RE75-2 cleared at 12:12. Traffic 75 remained on the scene until 12:29.
Date / Time: Sun, Sep 23rd, 2012 12:50:00 am
Location: 75 First Due
Municipality: MJB/RT
At 00:50, Engine 75-1 and Truck 75 were dispatched for alarm bells in the area of 600-Blk Connie Dr in Rapho Twp. Chief 75-3 was advised by LCWC the resident could hear an audible alarm sounding in the area. The alarm was determined to be a burglar alarm at the nearby Tractor Supply Store. The incident was held to E75-1 and was cleared at 01:07. While units were en route to the alarm sounding, Rescue-Engine 75-2 was dispatched to E Main St and Cornestone Dr in Mount Joy Borough for a vehicle accident standby. The MJBPD was on the scene of a non injury vehicle vs. utility pole accident and had some arcing wires down. Captain 75-1, RE75-2 responded and determined there was no need for any FD services. Fire police did remain on the scene to assist until 03:47.
At 10:25, RE75-2 and Chief 75-3 responded on the medical assist in the 400-Blk of Donegal Springs Rd, Mount Joy Borough. EMS needed assistance getting into a residence. Access was gained for EMS and the incident was cleared at 10:37. At 20:48, Station 75 and E702 were dispatched to Rt 283 W in Mount Joy Twp for a vehicle accident with injuries. Chief 75-3 arrived to find a single vehicle accident with two patients. The incident was held to RE75-2 and Traffic 75. E75-2 cleared the scene at 21:18. Traffic 75 cleared at 21:43.
Date / Time: Wed, Sep 19th, 2012 12:00:00 pm
Location: Station 75
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
If you have noticed the incidents have not been updated lately it is because nothing newsworthy has been happening. Which is good for you and the rest of the public. The past month has been very slow as far as fire calls go. So far for September there has been a total of just 14 calls with 10 of those being fire department responses and 4 fire police requests. Members have been staying busy with other tasks though such as community standbys, training and other details.
Date / Time: Fri, Aug 31st, 2012 1:45:00 pm
Location: W 283 Rt / Snyder Rd
Municipality: Mount Joy Twp
E75-1 responded on the 70 box for a report of smoke coming from an RV along the highway. Chief 70 arrived and found an engine compartment fire that had been extinguished by a good samaratin and a patient with chest pain and difficulty breathing. E75-1(Deputy Gohn) arrived and the crew split, checked the interior to ensure the fire was out and started patient care. E702 arrived and assisted E75-1. Companies operated for about 30 minutes before being placed available.
While E75-1 was on the highway for the fire, RE75-2 and E79-2 were dispatched to New Haven St and W Donegal St for a vehicle accident involving a motorcycle. The response was held to E75-2 and EMS by Chief 75. FD started patient care until the arrival of EMS. The incident was cleared at 14:25.
Date / Time: Mon, Aug 27th, 2012 12:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
08/22/2012 13:16:55 AUTO ALARM-COMMERCIAL - E MAIN ST MOUNT JOY BOROUGH - E75-1, S75-1, Chief 75
08/23/2012 20:10:15 VEHICLE FIRE-TRACTOR TRAILER-1A - ROUTE 283 W RAPHO TOWNSHIP -E75-1, E702, E69-1, T70, T69, Capt. 75-2
08/25/2012 05:50:22 MEDICAL ASSIST - ALCOTT DR RAPHO TOWNSHIP -E75-2, Capt 75-1
Date / Time: Mon, Aug 20th, 2012 12:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
8/13 - 12:35 - Building Fire - 100-Blk N Market St MJB - E75-1, E701, E702, L75, TL74, R79-1, R23, Held to E75-1, Deputy 75
8/14 - 14:50 - Medical Assist - Lancaster Estates RT - S75-1, Chief 75
8/14 - 19:07 - Vehicle Accident Reported Entrapment - W 283 Rt / Rissermill Rd MJT - E75-1, RE75-2, RE702, Held to RE75-2, Chief 75-3
8/15 - 00:36 - AFA - 400-Blk Cloverleaf Rd MJT (70 Box) - E701, L75
8/18 - 20:26 - Building Fire - 600-Blk Greider Rd EDT (79 Box) - Held to E79-2, L75 Recalled.
Date / Time: Mon, Aug 13th, 2012 12:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
8/6 - 08:57 - Traffic Control Vehicle Fire - 441 Rt. / Old Colebrook Rd EDT (79 Box) - Traffic 75
8/6 - 09:31 - Traffic Control MVA - W High St / N Penn St MHB (26 Box) - Traffic 75
8/6 - 17:04 - Class 1 Vehicle Accident - 800-Blk E Main St MJB - E75-1, RE75-2, Deputy 75
8/7 - 12:17 - Mass Transit Vehicle Accident - 600-Blk Milton Grove Rd RT - RE75-2, L75, Asst. Chief 75-1
8/8 - 00:22 - Chief Investigation - 300-Blk Deerfield Rd MJT - Asst. Chief 75-1
8/8 - 15:01 - Traffic Control MVA - 1300-Blk Colebrook Rd EDT (79 Box) - Traffic 75
8/9 - 08:52 - Traffic Control - Robert Mowrer Dr / Furnace Rd MTB (79 Box) - Traffic 75
8/9 - 20:57 - AFA - 100-Blk N Market Ave MJB - E75-1, L75, Asst. Chief 75-1
8/9 - 21:12 - Utility Pole Fire - N Market Ave / W Main St MJB - E75-1, Asst. Chief 75-1
8/10 - 12:55 - Traffic Control - Rober Mowrer Dr / Furnace Rd MTB (79 Box)- Traffic 75
8/11 - 08:22 - Traffic Control - Robert Mowrer Dr / Furnace Rd MTB (79 Box) - Traffic 75
8/11 - 16:52 - Traffic Control - S Market St / Maytown Ave ELZB (74 Box) - Traffic 75
Date / Time: Mon, Aug 6th, 2012 12:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
7/30 - 20:54 - Class 1 Vehicle Accident - 800-Blk Bruce Ave MJB - RE75-2, E75-1, Asst. Chief 75-2
7/30 - 21:38 - AFA - 700-Blk E Main St MJB - E75-1, L75, Asst. Chief 75-2
7/31 - 12:24 - Medical Assist - Lancaster Estates RT - E75-1, Asst. Chief 75-2
7/31 - 20:15 - Unknown Type Fire - 1900-Blk Valleyview Rd MJT - E75-1, L75, Asst. Chief 75-2, Chief 75
7/31 - 21:26 - Traffic Control - 900-Blk Hershey Rd MJT (74 Box) - Traffic 75
8/1 - 09:30 - Class 1 Vehicle Accident - W Main St / N Angle St MJB - RE75-2, Asst. Chief 75-2
8/1 - 18:15 - Brush Fire - Kinderhook Rd / Maple Dr RT - E75-1, Chief 75
8/2 - 18:19 - Dwelling Fire - 200-Blk E Main St MJB - E75-1, E701, Chief 75
8/3 - 03:02 - Investigation - 700-Blk Bernhard Ave MJB - Asst. Chief 75-2
8/4 - 12:08 - Medical Assist - Sassafras Terrace MJB - Asst. Chief 75-2
8/4 - 13:27 - AFA - 1100-Blk Anderson Ferry Rd MJB - Asst. Chief 75-2
8/4 - 22:48 - Medical Assist - 200-Blk Farmview Ln MJB - E75-1, Captain 75-1
8/5 - 16:24 - Investigation - Storm Damage - 700-Blk Church St MJB - E75-1, Asst. Chief 75-2
8/5 - 22:12 - Traffic Control - Maytown Rd / Bossler Rd WDT (70 Box) - Traffic 75
Date / Time: Thu, Aug 2nd, 2012 6:19:00 pm
Location: 200-Blk E Main St
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Station 75 and mutual aid companies dispatched for a reported house fire. The caller stated smoke was coming out of the front windows and smoke detectors were sounding. Chief 75 arrived and found the source of the smoke was burnt food on a stove. The incident was held to Engines 75-1 and 701. After the smoke was cleared out of the residence the incident was cleared. Units available at 18:38.
Units: E75-1, E75-2, E701, E702, L75, TL74, R79-1, R76.
Date / Time: Wed, Aug 1st, 2012 12:00:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
Starting today the Lancaster County Station I.D. number and some unit radio designation changes will take place. LCWC has decided to get rid of the the dashes in the station numbers and change all 3 digit station numbers (7-11, 5-10, etc.) to a two digit number. For instance FDMJ, Station 7-5, will now be Station 75. Unit radio call signs will now be Engines 75-1 and 75-2, Truck 75 and Squad 75-1. The Chief's call signs have also changed. Chief and Deputy 75 will still be used, however the Assistant Chiefs will now go by "Assistant" on the radio. For instance Chief 7-5-1 will now be Assistant 75-1.
Attached is a complete list of all the changes.
Date / Time: Mon, Jul 23rd, 2012 6:34:00 am
Location: Mount Joy
Municipality: Lancaster County
The Volunteers of FDMJ were dispatched to 17 alarms for the week of July 23rd:
7/23 - 06:34 - Commercial Building Fire - 1000-Blk Stoney Battery Rd WHT (76 Box)- Truck 75
7/23 - 11:13 - Vehicle Fire - 500-Blk Staufer Ct MJB - E75-1, RE75-2, Capt 75-2
7/23 - 15:34 - Commercial Building Fire - 1900-Blk Auction Rd RT - E75-1, RE75-2, E27-1,L75, TL26, R79-2, R23, T69, T26, T27, Chief 75-3
7/23 - 20:38 - AFA - 1100-Blk Anderson Ferry Rd MJB - E75-1, RE75-2, L75, Chief 75
7/23 - 23:12 - Dwelling Fire - 500-Blk Creekside Ln MJB, E75-1, RE75-2, E701, L75, TL74, R79-2, R76, Chief 75
7/24 - 14:10 - AFA - 3900-Blk Continental Dr WHT (76 Box) - Truck 75
7/24 - 19:02 - Dwelling Fire - 300-Blk N Market St ELZB (74 Box) - Truck 75
7/25 - 12:14 - Investigation - 5300-Blk Oak Leaf Dr RT - RE75-2, Chief 75
7/25 - 17:55 - Traffic Control - N Angle St / W Main St MJB - Fire Police 75
7/25 - 19:29 - Public Service - Lancaster Estates RT - RE75-2, Chief 75
7/26 - 11:17 - Gas Leak - 1st-Blk Circle Dr RT - E75-1, L75, T76, Chief 75
7/26 - 18:47 - Barn Fire - 1900-Blk Valleyview Rd MJT- E75-1, RE75-2, E701, E27-1, L75, TL74, R79-2, R76, T70, T27, T69, Capt 75-1
7/26 - 20:10 - CO Alarm - 400-Blk W Main St MJB - RE75-2, L75, Capt 75-1
7/27 - 18:07 - AFA - 200-Blk N Barbara St MJB - E75-1, L75, Chief 75-3
7/28 - 03:34 - Apartment Building Fire - 200-Blk N Plum St MJB - E75-1, RE75-2, E702, L75, TL74, R79-2, R76, Chief 75
7/28 - 22:30 - AFA - 1200-Blk W Main St MJT - E75-1, L75, T70, Chief 75
7/29 - 14:55 - Alarm Bells - Appletree Aly / N Market St MJB - E75-1, L75, Lt 75-3
Date / Time: Wed, Jul 18th, 2012 3:03:00 pm
Location: 200-Blk Weldon Aly
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Shorty after a thunderstorm started coming into the area Station 75 and mutual aid units were dispatched to the 1000-Blk of Reagan St for an apartment building on fire. Chief 75, E75-1 and Truck 75 responded immediately as they were just clearing another lightning strike investigation call. County advised the units responding the caller was reporting the building behind theirs was struck by lightning and there was fire showing through the roof. Chief 75 arrived and confirmed a working fire in the attic area of the building, E75-1 secured their own water from a hydrant and T75 set up at the A/D corner. With the unique layout of the complex the entrance side of the building is not along the street so E75-1's crew extended the 3" leader line with the high rise pack to the 3rd floor apartment. T75's crew split and opened up the ceiling for E75-1 to exinguish the fire and vented the roof. The fire was relatively small and extinguished quickly, keeping damage to a minimal. The 2nd alarm was dispatched due to the potential for larger fire because of the building construction, layout of the complex and the heat and humidity. The incident was cleared at 17:43.
1st Alarm: E75-1, E75-2, E701(Rheems), L75, TL74(E-Town), R79-2(Maytown), R76(West Hempfield).
2nd Alarm: E702, E10(Marietta), E79-2, L23(East Petersburg), TL26(Manheim), R23
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 12th, 2012 2:50:00 pm
Location: 200 Chocolate Ave @Wilbur Chocolate
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Shortly after returning from the grass fire a call was recieved on station reporting a hazardous materials incident at Wilbur Chocolate. It was reported some chemicals were mixed together causing a reaction and two people were taken to a hospital by personal vehicle. The Haz Mat box was dispatched bringing Rescue 79-1(Maytown), Haz Mat 2-1(Lancaster Co. Haz Mat Team), Engine 209(Manhiem Twp for Haz Mat Techs), Truck 74(Elizabethtown) and EMS along with Station 75. FD units arrived and after an initial investigation awaited for the Haz Mat unit to arrive. The incident was found to be minor and the problem dissipated by itself by the time the Haz Mat crews entered. Control was marked at 15:55 and the incident was cleared at 16:16. Chief 75 had command.
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 12th, 2012 1:59:00 pm
Location: PA Rt 283 @ Esbenshade Rd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Engines 75-1, 69-1(Hempfield), Rescue-Engine 75-2 and Tanker 26(Manheim) responded to a grass fire in the median of Rt 283 at Esbenshade Rd. Chief 75 arrived with an area of grass approximately 100' X 30' burning. All three engines arrived almost simultaneously and made quick work of the fire. Control was marked at 14:11. The incident was cleared at 14:36.
Date / Time: Wed, Jul 11th, 2012 11:18:00 am
Location: 789 E Main St @Giant
Municipality: Mount Joy Borough
Engine 75-1 and Chief 75 responded to the Giant Food Store for a wooden fence on fire. County advised the caller was reporting about 10' of the fence to be on fire and people were trying to extinguish it. Chief 75 arrived and reported the fire was knocked down but still smoldering. E75-1's crew wet down and overhauled the rest of the fence area to ensure it was out. The incident was cleared at 11:26.
Date / Time: Tue, Jul 10th, 2012 2:07:00 pm
Location: Fire Station 66
Municipality: Lancaster Twp
Truck 75 was dispatched to transfer to Fire Station 66(Lancaster Twp) while they were working a 4 alarm apartment building fire. Truck 75 transfered with a crew of 4 and stood by with no calls for about five and half hours. The transfer was cleared at 19:26.
At 18:46 while Truck 75 was still on the transfer, RE75-2, E75-1 and R76 responded to a vehicle accident with reported entrapment. County advised there was a van on its side with 3 people trapped in it. The police department arrived and reported there was no entrapment. The incident was later held to RE75-2 and Traffic 75. Traffic 75 cleared the incident at 19:52.
Date / Time: Sun, Jul 8th, 2012 12:07:00 am
Location: Boxwood Blvd
Municipality: Rapho Twp
Shortly after midnight Station 75 and surrounding mutual aid companies were dispatched for a reported mobile home fire. Assistant 75-1(Henry) responded and County advised there was to be an air conditioner on fire in the window and later recieved another call stating smoke coming from the walls and ceiling. Assistant 75-1 arrived with a light smoke condition and found the fire to have been extinguished by the occupant and a neighbor. The fire did start to catch the wall, ceiling and other furnishings on fire, units checked for further extension and found none. Control was marked at 00:20 and the incident was held to E75-1, L75 and T10. The occupant was treated at the scene by EMS for minor smoke inhalation. The incident was cleared at 01:09.
Units Dispatched: E75-1, RE75-2, L75, R79-1(Maytown), T10(Marietta), T76(West Hempfield), T69(Hempfield)
Date / Time: Sat, Jul 7th, 2012 11:58:00 am
Location: 1st-Blk Parkview Dr
Municipality: Mount Joy Twp
Truck 75 was dispatched on the 1st alarm assignment with Station 70 for a reported house fire. County advised Deputy 70 they were recieving calls for smoke coming from the roof and the occupant was still to be inside. Deputy 70 arrived with smoke showing, made sure the occupant was safely out and advised of a working fire in the attic. Truck 75(Chief Hess) responded with a crew of 6 and arrived shortly after Engine 70-1. Truck 75 split its crew with half laddering the house and vertically venting the roof and the other half going interior and pulling the ceiling for Engine 70-1 to extinguish the fire. After a short break in rehab Truck 75's crew then went back inside to assist with final overhaul and salvage. Engine 75-1 responded on the 2nd alarm with a crew of 4 and assisted with overhauling the attic. Traffic 75 also responded and assisted with traffic control. The incident was cleared at 13:54.
Thank you Engine 69-1 for transfering to Station 75 and standing by while units were operating at the fire.
Date / Time: Sat, Jul 7th, 2012 1:35:00 am
Location: 700-Blk Turnpike Rd
Municipality: West Donegal Twp
Truck 75 was dispatched on the 1st alarm assignment with Station 74 for a garage on fire. 74 units arrived to find a well involved garage with extension to a camper parked beside it. Truck 75(AC Bradley) responded with a crew of 6 and assisted with overhaul at the scene. Truck 75 was placed available at 2:42.
Date / Time: Thu, Jul 5th, 2012 2:25:00 pm
Location: 100 W Hershey Park Dr @ Hershey Park Arena
Municipality: Derry Twp, Dauphin County
Today at 14:25, Truck 75 was dispatched to the Old Hershey Park Arena in Derry Twp, Dauphin County for a building fire. Truck 75(AC Bradley) responded with a crew of 6. The Truck arrived with fire still showing from the roof and reported to manpower staging. After being in manpower staging for some time, Truck 75 was ordered by Command 48 to take over RIT from Harrisburg City Squad 8. The fire presented a number of challenges to the crews operating on the scene including; limited access, mutliple roof layers and temperature in the upper 90's but it was eventually brought under control. Truck 75 was released from the incident at 17:24.
During the Hershey Park Arena fire, Tower Ladder 66(Lancaster Twp) transfered to Station 75 to cover the Mount Joy, Elizabethtown and Manhiem areas since all three ladder trucks were operating at the fire.
Station 75 also responded to 4 other incidents throughout the day. At 06:32, Truck 75 responded to GCR Tires on W Main St in Mount Joy Twp with Station 70 for an AFA, 09:05, Rescue-Engine 752 and Squad 75 responded to a reported cardiac arrest in Rapho Twp, 10:04, Engine 751, Truck 75 and Chief 75 responded to the gas leak on Tumblestone Dr in Rapho Twp, 20:07, Engine 751, Truck 75, Tanker 27 and Deputy 75 responded to the AFA on N Strickler Rd in Rapho Twp.
Date / Time: Wed, Jun 27th, 2012 1:05:00 pm
Location: 1115 Lancaster Ave @ The Cycle Den
Municipality: Columbia Borough
The day started at 11:12 with RE752 being dispatched to a cardiac arrest on Mount Pleasant Rd in Mount Joy Twp. Medic 700 arrived and advised there was no need for the FD and RE752 was recalled en route at 11:22.
Next, at 13:02, Truck 75 was dispatched on the 1st Alarm assignment to the Cycle Den in Columbia Borough for a commercial building fire. Truck 75(Chief Hess) responded with a crew of 6. Units from Co. 80 arrived with a working fire that quickly escalated to the 3rd alarm including tankers due to water supply issues. Truck 75 positioned on the A/B corner and initially started to do horizontal ventilation. During that, the metal bowstring truss roof elongated and started pushing the wall out on side B. The crew then pulled back and forced the door at the A/B corner and used the aerial master stream through the door into the showroom. The remainder of the incident stayed exterior/defensive operations and Truck 75 was used for the aerial master stream as the debris pile was cleared by heavy equipment.
At 20:13, just as Truck 75 was clearing the Lancaster Ave box, the dwelling fire box was dispatched to 1292 Stamans Ln in Columbia Borough. Companies arrived to find a dryer fire with minor extension. Truck 75's crew laddered and ventilated the building. This fire was cleared at 20:40.
While the Truck was in Columbia, E751 and RE752 responded to an AFA at Tyco Electronics on Shellyland Rd in Rapho Twp. E751(AC Prickett) arrived and confirmed it was a false alarm, recalling the box.
At 22:03, Truck 75 was dispatched again on a Columbia Borough box for a reported gas leak outside. The Truck responded with a crew of 5 and was recalled en route after the source was traced back to a gas grill.
In all Truck 75 was in service for over 8 hours today in Columbia Borough.